how to Install ZeosDBO 8.0.0 on C++Builder 10.2 Professional.

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how to Install ZeosDBO 8.0.0 on C++Builder 10.2 Professional.

Post by WizAS »

Hello, all.

I installed ZeosDBO 8.0.0 on C++Builder 10.2 Professional and it worked fine.
The existing project is also working fine.

Basically, you need to reuse the CBuilderXE10.2 project of ZeosDBO7.2.14 and modify the .pas files to build to match the CBuilder12 project of ZeosDBO8.0.0.

When you run a build, a "File not found" error will be displayed for the following files, so add each source file and run a rebuild.
・Data.FMTBcd.obj -> add Data.FMTBcd.pas(path:source\data)
・xml.omnixmldom.obj -> add xml.omnixmldom.pas(path:source\xml)
・Soap.SOAPHTTPTrans.obj -> add Soap.SOAPHTTPTrans.pas(path:source\soap)
Once added, a message will appear on the first build stating that an identical source file was found in the required package, and the added source will be deleted from the project, but the build will still finish normally.

Also, each bpi build project has a procedure to delete unnecessary files at the end of the build, but you shuld to delete this procedure.
because, deleted file was used by build to own project.

By the way, to make an existing project update with ZeosDBO 8.0.0, you need to modify the Protocol property value.
This is because in ZeosDBO 7.2.14, the Protocol property was "mysql-5", "mariadb-10", "sqlite-3", etc., but in ZeosDBO 8.0.0 it is "mysql", "mariadb", "sqlite", etc.

Finally, I am Japanese and not very good at English, so some of my explanations may be difficult to understand, but I will answer your questions as best I can.

best regards.
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