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Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 06.03.2024, 18:45
by kikep
I have zoesdbo with ado connect to database the problem i have is after update the information don't going to right columns or fields
as you can see on attach..

procedure TFormMas90.BtnExecSQlClick(Sender: TObject);
var UpSQl:TZquery;
UpSQl:= TZQuery.Create(nil);
UpSQl.Connection := DM.ZCon;
UpSQl.SQL.Add('UPDATE AR1_CustomerMaster set Customername='' Smac systema machines corporation'',');
UpSQl.SQL.Add('AddressLine1=''5807 van allen way, carlsbad'',');
UpSQl.SQL.Add('where CustomerNumber =''CMS''');
UpSQl.SQL.Add('and division =''00''');
IF NOT upSql.Prepared then upsql.Prepare;
the country is USA and show SA and U conactcode field..

some body haved same iuses....

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 07.03.2024, 09:33
by marsupilami
Hello Kikep,

I do have some questions:
- could you prepare an example project that exhibits the problem? This allows debugging much more easily.
- which version of Zeos do you use?
- which OLEDB provider / ADO provider do you use?
- which version of Delphi or Lazarus do you use?

Best regards,


Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 10.03.2024, 02:16
by kikep
Hi i hope can attach the files because are lite big...
you can find all information in the file.....

Any question post...

Enrique Pineda

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 10.03.2024, 02:22
by kikep
sorry i forget your quetions..... I usong typhon 8.3 becuase i can't compile zeos for lazarus and zeosdb 8.0.0 beta ole provide mdac you can find on attached file driver..

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 13.03.2024, 15:54
by marsupilami
Hello Enrique,

I am sorry for my late reply. There are several things here:
kikep wrote: 10.03.2024, 02:22 I usong typhon 8.3 becuase i can't compile zeos for lazarus and zeosdb 8.0.0 beta
Which problems did you have using Zeos with Lazarus? I can compile Zeos 8 with Lazarus 3.0 and 2.2.6 just fine.
The problem is: We cannot support Code Typhoon. It is a moving target and we have no control over which code of us they include in their solution.
kikep wrote: 10.03.2024, 02:22 ole provide mdac you can find on attached file driver
If I understand you correctly, you try to use the ODBC driver from Is test data included in the MAS90 directory?

My suggestion: Zeos supports ODBC directly with Zeos 8. Try to install Lazarus and Zeos 8 again. This should work. Then try the odbc_w or odbc_a driver. These drivers use ODBC connection strings.

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 13.03.2024, 21:56
by kikep
thanks marsupilami from where i can down load zeosdbo 8.0 only i found is 7... please send me link... on download area last version 7.2

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 14.03.2024, 16:08
by kikep
This error i got to compile zeosdbo

ZAbstractConnection.pas(90,3) Error: Cannot find ZDbcFirebird used by ZAbstractConnection. Check if package zdbc creates ZDbcFirebird.ppu, check nothing deletes this file and check that no two packages have access to the unit source..

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 15.03.2024, 02:22
by kikep
Hi mi friend i did test of zeosdb8.0 with odbc_a and odbc_w and get this error
ZCMas.Connect; here where send me error just open connection...

Code: Select all

procedure TDM.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);

//    SQLDLL.LibraryName:=WideString(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'pvxodbc.dll');
//    SQLDLL.LibraryName:='C:\Windows\system32\pvxodbc.dll';
//    SQLDLL.LibraryName:='C:\PVX Plus Technologies\ODBC Driver (64-bit)'+'\pvxodbc.dll';
//    SQLDLL.LoadLibrary;
//    ODBCMas90.Connected:=true;
    ZCmas.LibraryLocation:= GetCurrentDir()+'\pvxodb32.dll';
    ZCmas.Database:='DSN=mas903; UID=ra; PWD=5807; Directory=C:\Best\version4\MAS90; Company=001; LogFile=\PVXODBC.LOG; CacheSize=-1; SERVER=NotTheServer';

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 15.03.2024, 02:44
by kikep
Lite progress but now ask for Dblogdlg unit where i can find, i don't see some similar on source code to add unit, how i can add this unit....

thanks and sorry for topic...

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 15.03.2024, 15:41
by kikep
Hi Marsupilami i made test on lazarus and zeosdbo 8.0 get connection with odbc_a but when i try to open a query send a error and what i see also is on tables list is only who one table on catalog not all tables... as show on odbc normal..

I dont know if i need made some changes on connection or query properties..

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 27.03.2024, 11:38
by marsupilami
Hello kikep,

I wiull have to build some kind of test virtual machine to test this because I cannot install the software required on my production systems. That will take some time.

I will get back to you as soon as I have new results.

With best regards,


Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 28.03.2024, 20:46
by kikep
ok much...

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 30.03.2024, 17:41
by kikep
Hi marsupilami let me know if can do some to help.... i will understand better zeosdbo and lazarus....

Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 01.04.2024, 16:20
by marsupilami
Hello kikep,

soo - I tried to setup a tes environment but whatever I do - using the Zeos ODBC driver I get an access violation. (Access violation at address 754A45E0 in module 'KERNELBASE.dll'. Read from address 00000318.)

What works for me is:
  • Setup a DSN in the ODBC admin interface
  • Use the Zeos OleDB driver to access this DSN. My connection string is: >Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=ra;Data Source=ProvideX<, where ProvideX is the Data Source Name that I created in the ODBC admin interface.
This allows me to read metadata and I can select from some randomly selected tables. Also it doesn't use the ADO technology which is deprectaed by Microsoft. There still seem to be some things to solve:
  • Whenever I started a program, I had to reenter the license information. This only changed when I ran the program as an administratrator at least once. The the license information seems to be saved.
  • Whatever I do, the ODBC driver will display its own logon window. Maybe that just is the way this driver works. If this is a problem, I think you will have to check in with the vendor on this.
So - I agree this isn't what I have expected. But it is the only thing I can do for now.

Best regards,


Re: Ado don't update aas must be

Posted: 02.04.2024, 21:11
by kikep
her the image how i setup the odbc....

Sorry your spend too much time on that....first time i setup as you did but the problem was as is when update the table sadly values not going to field you want to update.....