Delphi7, zeoslib, firebird 2.0 , stored procedure

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Delphi7, zeoslib, firebird 2.0 , stored procedure

Post by shokre »

I am using Delphi7, zeoslib, firebird 2.0 and stored procedure for getting reports in big commercial app. Problem is that after calling once stored procedure TZQuery nor TZReadOnlyQuery does not release procedure after close. Is there any way to do it?! If i try to change procedure in , exp. IBExpert i get error that stored procedure is in use as long as user does not exit app.

Thank You in advance
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Post by seawolf »

Have you installed FlameRobin?
Have you tried execute that stored procedure in Flamerobin? How much time does it takes to be executed?

Moreover why don't you use TZStoredProc instead of TZQuery?
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Post by mdaems »

Is the session you ran the procedure from committed? As long as you don't issue a commit or close the connection, all locks are kept. (Unless you are using autocommit=true)

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Post by shokre »

In IBexpert or Flamerobin procedure is executed normaly. But problem is with locks.
I do use autocommit=true but i still have problem. I have tried to commit or rollback but as long as i dont close connection procedure is locked.
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Post by shokre »

I have read about commit retain, that zeos dos not do hard commit untill i close connection. And with commit or rollback transaction, stored procedure is locked.
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Post by mdaems »

Since 6.6-release there's a new experimental connection property hard_commit=[yes,no]

I don't believe a commit with open zqueries works very well, using this option, but when only using stored procedures this may help you.

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Post by shokre »

thank your for help
i think that i have solved problem with disconnect and connect to db when user does not have opened any query, table etc.
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