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[patch_rejected] Patch ZEOS 6.6 to work on D4 / Turbo Delphi

Posted: 11.12.2006, 13:03
by megaribi
This is a patch to make it possible to install ZEOS 6.6.0 on Delphi 4 (including Standard edition) and new Turbo Delphi Explorer 2006. If you use any of these two versions unpack the official zip archive with zeos and then replace the files with this patch.

Posted: 12.12.2006, 01:08
by mdaems
Hi megaribi,

I'm checking your packages now. Thanks a lot for sending them anyway.

I have some questions:
- tdelphi10 : is the DCU needed for installation or will it generated during your install procedure? If needed : how did you generate it?
- delphi 4 : you included some pas files. How about copyrights?
- src/ZPlainAdo :
I think

Code: Select all

TOleEnum= LongWord;
should be moved to core/ZCompatibility
- we already did some changes for D5 compatibility. You'd best started from a recent SVN snapshot.
- functions comparetext and sametext also belong to ZCompatibility, I think
- are you sure PLongword=^longint for D4? For D5 it's ^longword. Can be ifdef-ed in ZCompatibility.

So, can you consider using svn Testing branch (see tutorials forum) and try to moveas much compatibility issues to core/ZCompatibility unit. Using a SVN tool would also make patching easier as itwould enable you to send unified diff's which can be easily applied by clicking a little around.


Posted: 15.12.2006, 21:41
by megaribi
I will try to modify patch according to your specifications. Relating to additional pas files, I used code from Lazarus except oledb.pas which is from Delphi, but this file is just set of declarations and constants. Soon I will replace it with similar files from other project.

Posted: 16.03.2007, 21:53
by ti_edson
Hi, I get an error on:
ZComponentReg in '..\imports\zeos\src\component\ZComponentReg.pas';

It says (Error):
[Pascal Fatal Error] dclusr.dpk(174): F1026 File not found: 'ZVariant.dcu'

And i only have in the ( Borland\BDS\4.0\Imports\zeos\src\component ) directory those files:

Is it correct? Because i found much more "links" refencences to other files on this directory on dclusr, like:
ZSequence in '..\imports\zeos\src\component\ZSequence.pas',
ZPropertyEditor in '..\imports\zeos\src\component\ZPropertyEditor.pas',
ZUpdateSqlEditor in '..\imports\zeos\src\component\ZUpdateSqlEditor.pas' {ZUpdateSQLEditForm},

What do I have to do now? Put the files needed on the directory?
Edson Lopes

Posted: 17.03.2007, 00:02
by ti_edson
I found the error...

The user have to put all the content of the folder SRC of the original release...
in my case "ZEOSDBO-6.6.1-beta"...

And it worked fine...
Thanks for the Patch!

Re: Patch ZEOS 6.6 to work on Delphi 4 and Turbo Delphi Expl

Posted: 19.06.2007, 01:10
by JB
Hi megaribi,
megaribi wrote:This is a patch to make it possible to install ZEOS 6.6.0 on Delphi 4 (including Standard edition) and new Turbo Delphi Explorer 2006. If you use any of these two versions unpack the official zip archive with zeos and then replace the files with this patch.
I am using Turbo Delphi Explorer and would like to try your patch, but could not find a link to click on. Is the file still available? Where can I download it?

many greetings, Jens

Posted: 19.06.2007, 08:56
by btrewern
You need to login to see attachments.



Posted: 19.06.2007, 10:43
by JB
Hallo Ben,
btrewern wrote:You need to login to see attachments.
ok, I know, but I was/am logged in.
There is a table showing the download, but there is no link in it on which I could click to start the download.

Many greetings, Jens

Posted: 19.06.2007, 12:01
by mdaems
Just use english board language. I just tried German and there the translations are not complete, causing the link 'download' to disappear. A board upgrade is planned, maybe it will be allright afterwards. (No date fixed yet, however)


Posted: 19.06.2007, 16:47
by JB
Hello Mark,

yes, that it was, thanks!

many greetings, Jens

TurboDelphi Update2 doesn't accept patch! :-(

Posted: 19.07.2007, 12:30
by ccezar

I've made all steps of the procedure attached to the patch (including copying sources from 6.6.1-beta WITHOUT overwriting original patch's files). Eeverything compiles fine (step number 7 in the procedure) but when I try to install TurboDelhi says:

Code: Select all

This version is not licensed to load third-party components or IDE addins.
Well, the possible reason is that I'm using TurboDelphi Update 2 (the version is: Borland Delphi for Microsoft Windows Version 10.0.2288.42451 Update 2 ).

Has anyone made successfull ZOESLIB and TurboDelphi Update2 integration? Could you please give me some directions/help? I rather don't like to downgrade Delphi (after applying patch is much more stable) but if there will be no other way I'll do that.



Posted: 24.07.2007, 22:45
by zippo
Can you specify which version of Turbo Delphi are you using? Somewhere I read that Explorer version is not allowed to add any additional component.

Posted: 25.07.2007, 07:13
by mdaems
Did you use the install instructions provided by megaribi in the readme.txt file? In what step do you get problems?

zippo, You're right about Explorer versions limitation, but the patch by megaribi contains some workaround instructions.


Posted: 25.07.2007, 13:04
by zippo
oopss.. :) BDS user.. :D

Posted: 10.08.2007, 16:13
by rkamarowski
i'm getting the error:

[Pascal Fatal Error] dclusr.dpk(171): F1026 File not found: 'ZVariant.dcu'

any suggestions?