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ERangeError in Delphi 2006
Posted: 27.11.2006, 17:58
by droetker
I always et an ERangeError when opening a simple Query:
(Delphi 2006 -> MySQL 5.0.22)
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Query.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM foo;';
Query.Open; //<-------------ERangeError
Debugging the code:
The Exception is in ZPlainMySQLDriver.pas, Line 3405:
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function TZMySQL5PlainDriver.GetFieldFlags(Field: PZMySQLField): Integer;
Result := ZPlainMySql5.PMYSQL_FIELD(Field)^.flags; //<---- HERE
Is there anything I / you can do?
I need this working, urgently...
Or did I do something wrong?
Posted: 27.11.2006, 18:40
by droetker
more debug info:
when opening the query, there is called a method named 'TZMySQLResultSet.Open' (in ZDbcMySqlResultSet.pas). It's not too long so i can copy it here:
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procedure TZMySQLResultSet.Open;
I: Integer;
ColumnInfo: TZColumnInfo;
FieldHandle: PZMySQLField;
FieldFlags: Integer;
if ResultSetConcurrency = rcUpdatable then
raise EZSQLException.Create(SLiveResultSetsAreNotSupported);
if FUseResult then
FQueryHandle := FPlainDriver.UseResult(FHandle);
LastRowNo := 0;
FQueryHandle := FPlainDriver.StoreResult(FHandle);
if Assigned(FQueryHandle) then
LastRowNo := FPlainDriver.GetRowCount(FQueryHandle)
else LastRowNo := 0;
if not Assigned(FQueryHandle) then
raise EZSQLException.Create(SCanNotRetrieveResultSetData);
{ Fills the column info. }
for I := 0 to FPlainDriver.GetFieldCount(FQueryHandle) - 1 do
FPlainDriver.SeekField(FQueryHandle, I);
FieldHandle := FPlainDriver.FetchField(FQueryHandle);
if FieldHandle = nil then
ColumnInfo := TZColumnInfo.Create;
with ColumnInfo do
FieldFlags := FPlainDriver.GetFieldFlags(FieldHandle); // <--ERROR
ColumnLabel := FPlainDriver.GetFieldName(FieldHandle);
TableName := FPlainDriver.GetFieldTable(FieldHandle);
ReadOnly := (FPlainDriver.GetFieldTable(FieldHandle) = '');
ColumnType := ConvertMySQLHandleToSQLType(FPlainDriver,
FieldHandle, FieldFlags);
ColumnDisplaySize := FPlainDriver.GetFieldLength(FieldHandle);
Precision := Max(FPlainDriver.GetFieldMaxLength(FieldHandle),
Scale := FPlainDriver.GetFieldDecimals(FieldHandle);
if (AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG and FieldFlags <> 0)
or (TIMESTAMP_FLAG and FieldFlags <> 0) then
AutoIncrement := True;
if UNSIGNED_FLAG and FieldFlags <> 0 then
Signed := False
else Signed := True;
if NOT_NULL_FLAG and FieldFlags <> 0 then
Nullable := ntNoNulls
else Nullable := ntNullable;
inherited Open;
my table has 2 fields so the FOR-loop is done twice. The first loop is ok; in the second loop the GetFieldFlags call does the Error.
Maybe it helps you.
Posted: 27.11.2006, 19:03
by droetker
further DEBUG:
in the first FOR loop the
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is a 7, in the second loop it is 3120579657;
PMYSQL_FIELD.flags is cardinal type, look below; but the GetfieldFlags function returns an Integer - there is the ERangeError...?
This is from ZPlainMySql5.pas:
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MYSQL_FIELD = record
name: PChar; // Name of column
org_name: PChar; // Original column name, if an alias
table: PChar; // Table of column if column was a field
org_table: PChar; // Org table name if table was an alias
db: PChar; // Database for table
catalog: PChar; // Catalog for table
def: PChar; // Default value (set by mysql_list_fields)
length: LongInt; // Width of column
max_length: LongInt; // Max width of selected set
name_length: Cardinal;
org_name_length: Cardinal;
table_length: Cardinal;
org_table_length: Cardinal;
db_length: Cardinal;
catalog_length: Cardinal;
def_length: Cardinal;
flags: Cardinal; // Div flags
decimals: Cardinal; // Number of decimals in field
charsetnr: Cardinal; // Character set
_type: Cardinal; // Type of field. Se mysql_com.h for types
BUT: 3120579657 ? Could that be? I don't know anything about the MySQL protocol - is that a possible value for the flags field?
And Why ERangeError? Cardinal and Integer are both 32bit, just signed/unsigned.
would it help to do an
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Result := Integer(ZPlainMySql5.PMYSQL_FIELD(Field)^.flags);