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Propertie for GetMetadata for the fields

Posted: 22.11.2006, 18:18
by rpelisson
Hello, I'm downloaded the ZeosDBO 6.6 and saw the compilation directive FOSNOMETA for yes or don't use Metadata commands for retrieve Fields Defs from the DataBase.

Here, in the company we face a lot of problems with access speed from the clients to the server.
Each SQL comand executed from the ZQuery an ZReadOnlyQuery, to go off a database commands on the MS-SQL Server, making with what the network traffic and the use of the our systems stay bad, very bad.

For fix this problem, we create a propertie in TZQuery and TZReadOnlyQuery named GetMetadata.

Attach, the modified files.

Posted: 22.11.2006, 18:30
by gto
Hello rpelisson!

I've donwloaded your units and it's clear that you're not using the latest Zeos version (Revision 177 from svn: svn:// There are lots of new code, many bugfixes and more. You should download it and test, them, if it's necessary, make your own changes on it and send only the patch files, if you can ;)

For detailed help, MP or add me to msn, so we can talk in plain portuguese :)


Posted: 25.05.2007, 18:25
by ogecrom
Hello gto!

I've made this modifications to solve the same problem as rpelisson.

Here goes the svn patch.

Posted: 15.06.2008, 12:16
by Metal
Very elegant solution, ogecrom.
Its help me a lot. thank you all