[patch_done] MySQL Exception "field must have a value&q

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[patch_done] MySQL Exception "field must have a value&q

Post by jottel »

After changing form 6.5.1a to 6.6.0b I got this exception whenever I posted a new record where I didn't assign values to those fields which are defined NOT NULL and have default values.
I found a solution that works for me.
in ZAbstractRODataSet, procedure InternalFieldDefs

required := IsNullable(I) = ntNoNulls;


required := (IsNullable(I) = ntNoNulls)
and not
( ( (GetDefaultValue(I)='') and
(GetColumnType(I) in [stString, stUnicodeString])
or (GetDefaultValue(I)<>'') );
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Post by fduenas »

Also you can set to each "required" field's property to false.
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Post by uwwin »

you have to change the zquery.sql.text with the simple query.. like 'select * from tbl_a'
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Post by mdaems »


Please check current version. (SVN snapshot at http://zeosdownloads/downloads/snapshots/). Normally this should work better now after fixing bug #90

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