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Distant Mysql connection on

Posted: 24.10.2006, 23:27
by orelien_relou

I try to learn how to use the ZeosLib to connect my Delphi 6 application to a Mysql database using easyphp 1.7.

I had no problem to connect me to the local database "localhost or" in the "hostname" parameter of the "ZConnection" component.

Then, i tryed to connect it to a distant database hosted at , and it doesn't work at all.

The parameters of my ZConnection :
Database : mydatabase
Hostname :
password : xxxx
Port : 80
User : mydatabase
protocol : mysql

When i try to activate the connection, the component give me a error message saying he can't reach this hostname.

Is there anyone who can help me ?

Thank you

Posted: 25.10.2006, 08:01
by mdaems
Bonjour Aurélien,

Do you have a firewall installed? (first thing to check when going outside)
Are you sure about the port settings? This is usually the port for a webserver, not a database server. Zeoslib does not connect to a php-script but to the database immediately. I don't know if allows that. Usually providers only allow access using an interface as easyphp, phpMyAdmin, ....

Maybe you should start testing the server with the mysql console that is in every mysql distribution. Once you're sure that works, zeoslib connection should be a piece of cake.

Au revoir,

Posted: 25.10.2006, 10:24
by orelien_relou

Thank you for your reply.

As you, how can i test the server with the mysql console ? I didn't find this mysql console.
What do you about this way of doing to connect me to this database on with this Zeos component ?
You tell me that the "port" parameter shouldn't be correct, is that ? Whta to dyou advise me to do ?

Thank you

Posted: 25.10.2006, 10:42
by mdaems
Please read this page on the site: ... de_donnees

Pourtant ce paragraphe est interessant :
Les scripts php ne peuvent utiliser que la base de données mysql fournie par nos soins.
Il est possible de gérer la base de données mysql via (Gérer les données, faire des imports, exports, etc)
Seuls les scripts php hebergés sur les pages persos ainsi que peuvent permettre de se connecter sur la base de données. Aucune connexion ne peut etre établie depuis l'extérieur sur les bases de données de Free.
Désolé, but ZEOSLIB can't connect to this database server.
