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ZDbcASAUtils cannot find VarType function because a DEFINE

Posted: 11.10.2006, 15:54
by papelhigienico
In ZDbcASAUtils, the unit Variants that contain the function VarType not is declared if environment is FPC.

In uses section of ./src/dbc/ZDbcASAUtils.pas file is write:

uses {$IFNDEF VER130BELOW}Variants,{$ENDIF} ZMessages, ZDbcCachedResultSet, Math;

And in ./src/ is write:

// Compilation directives for Lazarus

that undeclare the Variants unit in ZDbcASAUtils case environment is FPC/Lazarus...

I wrote this to resolve:

uses {$IFDEF FPC}Variants,{$ENDIF}{$IFNDEF VER130BELOW}{$IFNDEF FPC}Variants,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} ZMessages, ZDbcCachedResultSet, Math;

I'm using ZeosLib 6.5.1 REV 113, Lazarus 0.9.18, FPC 2.0.4 in Windows XP Portuguese.

Attached my ZDbcASAUtils.pas

Posted: 11.10.2006, 20:27
by mdaems
Modified. Thanks a lot. Can you check the file I've sent you by mail? If that works we can have ASA supported on Lazarus.
