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ZeosLib and Lazarus 0.9.18 (FPC 2.0.4)

Posted: 09.10.2006, 10:55
by krisleech
I have just upgraded to the new version of Lazarus (0.9.18) which uses the latest version of FPC (2.0.4) but I get an error when I try and install Zcomponents.lpk:

The packeage "zcomponents 6.5.1" failed to compile.
Remove from installation list?

I installed okay using the previous version of Lazarus which was recompiled with FPC 2.0.4.

I also tried compiling each package one by one and has no errors...

Many thanks in advance, K.

Posted: 09.10.2006, 11:12
by mdaems
Did you compile everything before installing the components?


Can't find unit ZPropertyEditor

Posted: 09.10.2006, 11:45
by krisleech
Hi, quick reply! I can compile every package except ZComponent, I get the following error:

C:\lazarus\components\zeosdbo-6.5.1_alpha\packages\lazarus\zcomponent.pas(11,43) Fatal: Can't find unit ZPropertyEditor

Posted: 09.10.2006, 14:02
by mdaems
Another quick question : What Zeoslib version are you using? The name in your directory structure seems a little old, but you can still use the most recent release from the portal page, of course.


Re: Can't find unit ZPropertyEditor

Posted: 09.10.2006, 17:02
by barko
krisleech wrote:Hi, quick reply! I can compile every package except ZComponent, I get the following error:

C:\lazarus\components\zeosdbo-6.5.1_alpha\packages\lazarus\zcomponent.pas(11,43) Fatal: Can't find unit ZPropertyEditor
go to packages/lazarus/build and remove all files from there an then use "recompile clean" for zcomponent.lpk package... and then click on button "install"...


Posted: 09.10.2006, 17:35
by krisleech
Okay I downloaded the latest version and it appeared to be the same, I do remember renaming the root folder so I could identify the copy by version number. Clearing the build folder and removing old versions of ZeosLib seemed to work, they have installed as components anyway!

Thanks all.

Posted: 09.10.2006, 17:57
by krisleech
Actually I was using revision 98, now I'm using 102...

Posted: 09.10.2006, 18:29
by barko
krisleech wrote:Actually I was using revision 98, now I'm using 102...
I'm on rev. 98 (fpc 2.0.4, lazarus latest from svn, linux) and work all (except memory leaks... ;) )

Posted: 10.10.2006, 07:42
by mdaems
So something slipped in at rev102. I think I know what patch it was. I'll have a look and try not to forget to compile in Lazarus every time.


Lazarus version

Posted: 26.10.2006, 01:17
by Gerobe
When I try to install Zeos in Lazarus, I have the same error, and in Lazarus database forum I can see that Zeos don't works over Lazarus versions newer than 0.9.13, but I'm working with Ubuntu AMD64 and the previous versions of Lazarus don't works well with it.

Then my answer is.
Where is the newest version of Lazarus who works with Zeos?

Posted: 26.10.2006, 12:24
by silviogs
Hi friends

I am using lazarus 0.9.19 of 10/24/2006 with fpc 2.1.1 and installed without problems.

Testing in win32.

Yours truly

Silvio Guedes

Posted: 27.10.2006, 08:59
by btrewern

Just for completeness, what version of Zeos are you using?


Posted: 26.11.2006, 13:47
by bee
Zeos 6.6 on Lazarus v.0.9.20 on winXP SP 2 works great! Never try it (yet) on Linux, though. Kudos to Zeos team for supporting Lazarus, the best alternative for Delphi. Keep up the good work. :)