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Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 02.08.2018, 15:31
by mtournay
Hi there

Lazarus 1.8 have an online package manager. ZeosLib is still in v7.1. Do you know how to change that ?

I also post a new thread in lazarus forum.


Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 05.08.2018, 15:31
by marcov
As a result of that post, the package managers version has been updated to 7.2.4, but some confusion was created because the Zeos provided .lpk package project files still contain "7.2.0" as version.

The update of said versionnumber should maybe be annotated in some release todo

Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 05.08.2018, 17:35
by af0815
Can the information in the lpk-files filled out more descriptive please.

The information for OPM will extracted from the used Lazarus packages. Actual it looks very spartanic
There is indeed not much information in the package
Tis info is extracted from the lpk
"Name" : "zcomponent.lpk",
"Description" : "Zeos Database Components\r\n",
"Author" : "",
"License" : "",
"RelativeFilePath" : "packages\\/lazarus\\/",
"VersionAsString" : "",
"LazCompatibility" : "1.6, 1.8, Trunk",
"FPCCompatibility" : "2.6.4, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.0.4",
"SupportedWidgetSet" : "win32/64, gtk2, carbon",
"PackageType" : 0,
"DependenciesAsString" : "zplain(7.2), zparsesql(7.2), zdbc(7.2), zcore(7.2), LCL, IDEIntf, FCL(1.0)"

Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 07.08.2018, 07:03
by EgonHugeist
Hi all,

seems we've missed this part.. I've update the release version of SVN to 5 -> 7.2.5. If we're releasing the next 7.2 stable candidate we'll update the the packages to 6 (i hope soooooo :roll: )

Thanks for pointing this out!

According ... #msg293331

does anyone know something about getmem's objections? We could'nt find a related thread about "encoding issues"

Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 07.08.2018, 17:11
by marsupilami
af0815 wrote:Can the information in the lpk-files filled out more descriptive please.

There is indeed not much information in the package
Hello Andreas,

well - I am not 100% sure what kind of information is expected in these fields besides the version number. It surely is not exepcted to have the full LGPL text in the License field? And how is it about the Abstract? Should it really contain all the advertisement, that we already have on our sourceforge project page? If so - how can we influence the representation - like creating lists and the like?

Best regards,


Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 08.08.2018, 09:07
by af0815
This is only a suggestion from me.

The ZeosLib is a set of database components for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, MS SQL, Sybase, Oracle and SQLite for Delphi, FreePascal/Lazarus, Kylix and C++ Builder.

Support object for Sequences (Generators)
Support for Firebird, Interbase and PostgreSQL database events
Support object for retrieving database objects meta data
Support object for executing database scripts

Installing in Lazarus: Read the README.TXT in packages\lazarus

Project Page:
Forum: look in ZeosLib 7.2 Forum on
You found a (possible) bug? Use the bugtracker dude!
LGPL with modifications - see the included file COPYING.ZEOS
Readme.txt: ZeosLib 7.0 has been tested to work with Lazarus 1.0
Was this realy the lastest test ??

BTW: If you have a new Version, make a post in the Online Package Manager - Thread with a hint for GetMem. He is actual the holder of the OPM-Process (IMHO). With OPM there is an easy way to have an overview of (normaly realy) running packages (in stable). And it is simple to use and to be update.


Edit: Pls. Chg it for the 7.3. too :-)

Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 09.08.2018, 09:35
by marsupilami
Ok - I will keep these things in mind for the next stable release, which still is some weeks in the future from now. Maybe there should be something like a release manual or at least a wiki page...
Readme.txt: ZeosLib 7.0 has been tested to work with Lazarus 1.0
Was this realy the lastest test ??
Erm - that should be removed from the readme.txt. Currently Zeos is verfied to compile on Lazarus 1.2.4/FPC 2.6.4 arm and Lazarus 1.8.4/3.0.4 x86 and x64. It is verfied to pass the test suites on Delphi 2009. We are in the process of extending our tests...

Re: Lazarus - online package manager

Posted: 20.08.2018, 13:12
by mtournay

Thank you everybody, for package update !
