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Many problems coming from 7.1.4 (sqlite-3/lazarus)

Posted: 17.05.2018, 12:45
by olivluca
since I need some features in trunk, I tried both trunk and then 7.2 stable with my existing projects using sqlite-3.

The short version: they don't work anymore :(
  • if in a TZQuery/TZReadonlyQuery I use the already defined fields, I get a sigsev (sometimes when opening a query, sometime after posting a new record), probably because...
  • if I delete and recreate the fields now VARCHAR is mapped to TMemoField (previously it was TStringField) and DATETIME is mapped to TStringField (instead of TDateTimeField) :?:
  • when I delete a record I get this message "Cannot update a complex query with more than one table", it worked with 7.1.4, the query is "select rowid,* from modelos order by modelo,color,ak,ks", hardly complex and more than one table
I know I should have tested during the 7.2 beta, but I didn't (not enough time :( )

Re: Many problems coming from 7.1.4 (sqlite-3/lazarus)

Posted: 17.05.2018, 21:37
by olivluca
Ok, the second problem is solved by adding a Undefined_Varchar_AsString_Length=xxx property (thanks to EgonHugeist who replied to my bug here).
Apparently this also solved the first problem (the SIGSEV).
The third problems is still pending, I opened this bug for it.

Edit: link to second bug corrected

Re: Many problems coming from 7.1.4 (sqlite-3/lazarus)

Posted: 26.05.2018, 11:48
by EgonHugeist
Checkout from SVN. See your bugreport. Have fun!