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Bug in TZSQLMetadata resultset caching

Posted: 14.04.2018, 15:57
by ga301

I think I may have tracked down the cause for the problem I reported in ... 40&t=73973:
It seems that the metadata TZVirtualResultset which has been cached for some combination of tablename and property will be closed, when TZSQLMetadata.Close is called. So, if I want to use TZSQLMetadata to get some info for a table and at a later time I want to get the same info again, this will not work, because the cached resultset has been cleared.
There is actually a guard (property DoNotCloseResultset) which could be used to prevent this in the special case where a resultset is cached.

So I tried the following and it seems to work:

1. In ZAbstractRODataset.pas modify the property declaration of DoNotCloseResultset (make it writable):

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property DoNotCloseResultset: Boolean read FDoNotCloseResultset write FDoNotCloseResultset;
2. In ZSqlMetadata.pas, override the InternalClose method:

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TZSQLMetadata = class(TZAbstractRODataset)
    procedure InternalClose; override;

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procedure TZSQLMetadata.InternalClose;
  DoNotCloseResultSet := true;
I have not yet checked if this introduces any memory leaks or affects other components, but I do not think that it should.

Can somebody please approve and include this fix (or anything else that targets this problem)?
Thank you very much.

Best regards

Re: Bug in TZSQLMetadata resultset caching

Posted: 27.04.2018, 07:50
by marsupilami
Hello Gunnar,

Egonhugeist told me that the problem should be fixed in the Zeos 7.2 branch by now as well. Could you please try that?
With best regards,


Re: Bug in TZSQLMetadata resultset caching

Posted: 26.06.2018, 06:45
by volkerp

in 7.2.4 stable this problem persists :(
you can simple test it with the ZControlsExample example.

Re: Bug in TZSQLMetadata resultset caching

Posted: 26.06.2018, 08:46
by marsupilami
Hello Volker,

we didn't create a new release of Zeos 7.4 yet. If you need this bug fixed, you might want to download a snapshot from our SVN: ... 2-patches/

We currently plan to release Zeos 7.2.6 in the upcoming weeks. Then this bug will be fixed in a release version.

Best regards,
