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Getting Lazarus version of ZeosLib

Posted: 08.09.2006, 17:19
by krisleech
Im trying to get hold of a version of ZeosLib which will compile with Lazarus/FPC, looking at the Lazarus wiki page ( there is a version in CVS but I dont seem to be able to download it (using TortoiseCVS) is the URL does not seem valid, has it moved? :(

Many thanks.

Posted: 08.09.2006, 17:55
by barko
You need svn client and here is link for download svn version of zeosdbo: svn://
or you may download this version of my svn export from testing branch:
it's allways latest - i'm testing it on linux with firebird database...
or here:

Posted: 11.09.2006, 12:16
by krisleech
That will be the problem your on svn now!
The wiki page say you use cvs...

Anyone already got a log in for the Lazarus wiki who can change the page?

Posted: 11.09.2006, 13:16
by barko
I made some changes in lazarus wiki, but do note that i do not speak english language well, so if you have something to add, post here or you may log in your self and do changes...

Zeos Tutorial (lazarus wiki)

Posted: 18.09.2006, 11:38
by krisleech
Hi, I have download and install ZeosLib 6.5.1 Lazarus Packages. I had to compile them one by one and then install zComponents package.

I have the visual compontent in the Lazarus and can drop them on forms but when I try and compile my project I get a circular refrence:
C:\lazarus\components\zeosdbo_testing\src\component\ZConnection.pas(75,35) Fatal: Circular unit reference between ZConnection and db

Many thanks!

PS. The Zipped versions of ZeosLib will not extract properly on win xp (built in zip support).

Posted: 18.09.2006, 17:18
by krisleech
This was solved by a full un-install of the existing compontents and actually installing the newer 6.5.1 version which has Lazarus packages... even if it is an alpha :?