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My vote isn't not accepted

Posted: 10.09.2005, 02:38
by smsanti

Why I cannot to vote?


Posted: 12.09.2005, 05:57
by Michael
Hi samsanti,

did you log in yourself for voting? Where do you try to vote (Portal or in the thread)?


Posted: 12.09.2005, 10:27
by johanb
My votes are also not recorded by the system. I am using Mozilla Firefox.


Posted: 12.09.2005, 11:57
by Michael
Could you give it another try, please... :oops:

Posted: 12.09.2005, 13:26
by smsanti
Dear Michael:

I did login and try to vote in forum and a thread, but none worked. In any way, now this working.

Taking advantage of the opportunity and considering that I am in campaign so that we have our profiles well, I would like to ask and/or to suggest that in the profiles could be filled with which databases we worked or knew.


Posted: 12.09.2005, 13:36
by Michael
Hi smsanti,
smsanti wrote: I did login and try to vote in forum and a thread, but none worked. In any way, now this working.
The problem was caused by the "hard" closing of the "Announcement"-Forumthis forum. It is now "open" but very limited to the "normal" User (only voting is permitted).
smsanti wrote:Taking advantage of the opportunity and considering that I am in campaign so that we have our profiles well, I would like to ask and/or to suggest that in the profiles could be filled with which databases we worked or knew.
I will take this as a feature request. I'm not that professional in modding phpBB forum software :oops: So it may take its time :roll:


Voting works fine now

Posted: 14.09.2005, 08:13
by johanb
