DBGrid insert fails - Raspberry Pi Jessie, PostgreSQL 9.4.10, Lazarus
Posted: 02.06.2017, 12:22
I have a project that has to be developed on a Raspberry Pi 3 device. I am using Lazarus 1.8RC1 and Zeos 7.2.1-RC1. Both built from sources. PostgreSQL is installed using apt-get and running on Raspberry Pi.
I have below table in my database:
I put ZConnection, ZQuery, DataSource and DBGrid. All settings are defaults. Adjust necessary links. Establish connection and Activate the query at design time. Query is a simple one
I run the application try to add a new record and I receive below error message:
However, I have a value entered in DBGrid in column "kodu" and focus is set to another column just to be sure that value is assigned to the column.
Same problem I can reproduce using 7.1.4 stable package. But I need to use 7.2 latest for PostgreSQL and recently changed transaction behavior.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks & regards,
I have a project that has to be developed on a Raspberry Pi 3 device. I am using Lazarus 1.8RC1 and Zeos 7.2.1-RC1. Both built from sources. PostgreSQL is installed using apt-get and running on Raspberry Pi.
I have below table in my database:
Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE malzemeler
kodu character varying(20) NOT NULL,
adi character varying(40),
paketiciadet smallint,
kayitzamani timestamp without time zone,
kaydeden character varying(40),
degisiklikzamani timestamp without time zone,
degistiren character varying(40),
secili smallint,
CONSTRAINT malzemeler_pkey PRIMARY KEY (kodu)
Code: Select all
select * from malzemeler
Code: Select all
null value in column "kodu" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null).
Same problem I can reproduce using 7.1.4 stable package. But I need to use 7.2 latest for PostgreSQL and recently changed transaction behavior.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks & regards,