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Lazarus EOleException

Posted: 19.04.2017, 06:21
by af0815
ZEOS 7.2.1-rc and Lazarus 1.8.0RC1 rUnknown FPC 3.1.1 i386-win32-win32/win64

I have a very simple sample on Github ... asicAccess.

It connects with ado to the Access Db with a DSN with a ZConnection and a ZTable & Datasource & DB-Grid. When i connect, i see the data from the Access Table and can navigate without a problem. But if i set the ZConnection.Connected to false i got a EOleException.

How can i avoid this ?

Re: Lazarus EOleException

Posted: 19.04.2017, 08:13
by marsupilami
Hello Andreas,

the MS Access / Jet Engine provider for ADO / OLE is clumsy at best. I had my share of problems on working with it. I think I resolved to using Zeos 7.3 and its OLEDB driver. Not sure, if that helps though.
Could you provide a smallish Access / Jet Engine database that I can use for testing with your github application?

With best regards,


Re: Lazarus EOleException

Posted: 19.04.2017, 09:00
by af0815
Sorry, i forgot to say, the Access DB is the test_1.tpdb8. Its a mdb. ... st_1.TPDB8

To make it more clear, i copied the as an mdb.

Re: Lazarus EOleException

Posted: 19.04.2017, 10:23
by miab3

At me, it works for:

Code: Select all

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=f:\Lazarus_testy\ZEOSAccess\DB\test_1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False
Lazarus 1.6.4-Win32; ZEOS 7.2, 7.3 svn 3986.


Re: Lazarus EOleException

Posted: 19.04.2017, 13:03
by af0815
miab3 wrote:At me, it works for:

Code: Select all

With THIS Provider for me too. There must be a diffence between the providers. So the use of of ODBC DSN in Win 10 looks outdated.
