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Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 30.03.2017, 22:08
by af0815
I search for some documentation and found a lot of dead links to . The domain is not reachable.

Is the content from also lost or somewhere reachable ?


Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 31.03.2017, 11:14
by marsupilami
Hello Andreas, is dead for quite some time now. I recently transferred some old documentation into a new pdf file. I didn't rewrite it though so the contents still is old but still mostly valid. I couldn't attach the file here because it already is too large. I will send it to you by e-mail and think about uploading it to SourceForge later on. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them here in the forums.

With best regards,


Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 31.03.2017, 19:41
by af0815
Thank you for the information. I found parts of the zeos-manual translated to german in the 'Delphi-Treff' and have also an 'original' pdf
Author Michael Seeger (ZeosLib Development Team) Date 26.03.2008, 16:01 Views 6143 at 22,03,2010 Description A ZEOS basics tutorial not only for Firebird ... Category Firebird / Interbase Type
on my documentation system.

Is it possible to publish the information and extend it, without copyright violations ?


BTW: It looks like an Latex Source :-) for me. I have written the LazInfos (German article about databases, hosted on sourceforge) in Latex too.

Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 03.04.2017, 08:18
by marsupilami
Hello Andreas,

erm - did you get my e-mail? Chapter 2, "A ZEOS basics tutorial not only for Firebird ..." should be more or less the same thing as the pdf file that you found. ;) Usually we would need Michael Seegers permission to use and modify the text. But since he intended to do a kind of a manual for Zeos, I just assume that we are allowed to use his work as a basis for the things that we need to do.
BTW: It looks like an Latex Source :-) for me. I have written the LazInfos (German article about databases, hosted on sourceforge) in Latex too.
I am not sure which document you refer to here. The PDF file that I sent to you is created using Latex. The Latex source is part of the SVN. See ... ation/tex/.
Although prior authors started their documentation using docbook, I decided to rely on Latex. Please keep in mind, that I am a beginner in Latex. Compiling the documantation for Zeos is only my second project using Latex ;)

With best regards,


Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 03.04.2017, 08:24
by marsupilami
I uploaded the PDF file for all th world to see. See ... mentation/
or use this direct download link: ... f/download

Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 03.04.2017, 19:50
by af0815
So the good news are -> no deadlink for documentation.

I have written the LazInfos in Latex too. I used an another structure. You can see this at the svn on sourceforge ... zSnippets/


BTW: We can discuss this direkt.

Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 25.04.2017, 11:49
by af0815
Sometimes i find parts of the documentation on my searches, where is the place to publish or send ?

Here in Forum ?


Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 26.04.2017, 22:49
by marsupilami
Hello Andreas,

here in the forums always is a good idea. You could also post / send patches to apply to the Zeos Documentation Collection. More on that in a separate e-mail.

With best regards,


Re: Documentation on - deadlink

Posted: 28.04.2017, 06:11
by af0815
Here the snippets i found in the archives of the web. They where from the vanished site.
