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Zeoslib and clientdataset

Posted: 14.07.2006, 12:11
by robsonselzelin
Hi folks.

There is an implementation of master/detail relationship between clientdatasets that I can't get with Zeoslib. Read the following Borland article, you won't take more than half hour to read and implement it:,1410,29825,00.html

Now, try to implement it with any Zeos dataset. You won't get the detail records. They'll appear but with null values. I realy like Zeoslib but I can't use it if doesn't work with this Delphi resource.

I got this Zeoslib behavior with MySQL. Thanx.

Posted: 30.10.2006, 17:31
by ogecrom
Hello Robson.

How do you fixed this problem?