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Tablename as parameter

Posted: 13.07.2006, 11:44
by Chaosworld
Is it possible to submit the name of the table for a query as a parameter? I am using a query that is combined several times with union, so i would have to change several times the query.
The original query looks like this (only an example, the original is more complex)
Select Name
by l06_parameter
where ...
Select Name
by l06_parameter
where ...

this works perfect. So i tried to make it this way:
Select Name
where ...
Select Name
where ...

If i open now the query, i get an error like this:
SQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that correspond to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''l06_parameterdaten' where ...' at line 1.

The problem is, that with the parameter i get quote-signals around the name.
But i don't find any solution for the problem.

Thanks for every answer


PS: If this question is wrong here, could anybody move it to the correct place, i am not sure where is the best place.

Posted: 13.07.2006, 12:52
by Terence
Try .ParamByName('LTABLE').asstring:=l06_parameter;

Leave the ':' out.
The ':' just implys an upcoming Parameter in the sql, just to differ between normal names and Parameter, but only in the sql. The Param is used without ':' later.

Posted: 13.07.2006, 15:07
by Chaosworld
Hi Terence
thanks for your answer, but how do you mean it?
I just tried it:

with ZReadOnlyQuery2 do
sql.add('(Select Ergebnis');
sql.add('from LTABLE');
sql.add('where Probennr=106010050');
sql.add('and Parameternr =19),'') Parameter');


But it tell me, that the Parameter LTABLE does not exist.
Or how else do you mean it?


Posted: 13.07.2006, 15:18
by Terence

Code: Select all

with ZReadOnlyQuery2 do
sql.add('(Select Ergebnis');
sql.add('from :LTABLE');
sql.add('where Probennr=106010050');
sql.add('and Parameternr =19),'') Parameter');


Posted: 13.07.2006, 15:28
by mdaems
Hi Chaosworld, Terence,

Be carefull using this trick. I think this might give trouble with databases that do not support table names as parameters in prepared statements. I'm sure Mysql prepared statements do not support this. This is not a problem right now as we don't support prepared statements for mysql yet (we emulate them, wat could make your trick work). I don't know if it works for other databases.


Posted: 13.07.2006, 15:35
by Terence
Well, i didn't say its tested, just give it a try. Inever used it that way too.

In any case i would propose to create a method taking the tablename as param and creating sql query as string or returning whole query- there are much possibilities.

Posted: 13.07.2006, 15:56
by Chaosworld
Hi Terence
I just tried your code and i get the same like at the beginning:
SQL Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that correspond to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''l06_parameterdaten' where ...' at line 1.

Well if really nothing works, i have to create for every table the query again new.

well at the moment i am using the very old version of zeos 6.5.1 from 2004 cos it is the only version that works with delphi 5. Well so if i read your text, i think it would be better to work without the parameter, but would be much more comfortable :-D