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ZoesLib 6.51(alpha) Tutorial?

Posted: 23.06.2006, 03:40
by C_R22

I'm wanting to use ZeosLib with MySQL. Are there any tutorials around for doing such? I've searched about, but not come up with much for MySQL.



Posted: 23.06.2006, 08:48
by mdaems
Well, If you've used zeoslib before it's just making sure you put the libmysql.dll in the right place and choose the right protocal on the connection component. If that's ok, you should check if your queries are supported by mysql.

If you want to use transactions, make sure your mysql tables are innodb tables as myisam doesn't support transactions.


Posted: 25.06.2006, 02:08
by C_R22
I've never used ZeosLib before. I have installed it all fine - there just doesn't seem to be any ZeosLib tutorials or help file. Why is this? Or rather, surely there is some help or tutorials somewhere (that aren't in German). I must have missed them..?

Posted: 25.06.2006, 08:19
by mdaems
OK, I've found some short introduction here. It's written with Firebird server in mind but it doesn't make much difference:
Knowledge Base
Do you know a little about mysql? You need to set protocol, hostname, user, port and password parameters of the connection.
Other things are almost database independent. If you want more information about what a property or method is supposed to do : just look at the delphi help for BDE components. Most components have a BDE counterpart with same functionallity but without the need of the BDE.

Posted: 26.06.2006, 03:27
by C_R22
OK, thanks - I will look into this. If anyone in the mean while finds / has anything else, this would be a good place to post.

Posted: 27.06.2006, 01:59
by Terence
Take a look here, its not very up to date, but shall give you some answers.