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Protocol x libpq.dll

Posted: 01.09.2005, 22:10
by smsanti
In an application Delphi 7 + ZeosLib 6.5.1 Alpha + PostgreSQL 8.0.3.

1. In the component zconnection I specify Protocol = postgresql just (I don't use postgresql-6.5, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4) but when I execute the application it happens the error: "No dynamic library from the list libpq74.dll found ". How does the property protocol work? :wallb:

2. It is possible/advisable to use the libpq.dll of the version 8.0.3?

Posted: 02.09.2005, 07:23
by Lightning
The protocol is used to determine what database type/server to use, that is also the dynlib if it changes in time.
Try to get all the possible docs for info on many features.

You should check your lib subdir for possible dynlibs(dlls).

Posted: 02.09.2005, 14:58
by smsanti
Dear Lightning:

> 1. The protocol is used to determine what database type/server to use, that is also the dynlib if it changes in time.

1.1. I think so. But, why I set protocl to postgresql and Zeos try to use libpq74. I think that Zeos will to use libpq74 if I to set the protocol to postgresql-7.4.

1.2 I rename the libpq.dll installed by postgresql 8.0.3 installation procedure to libpq74.dll and in my tests the program runs well.

> 2. Try to get all the possible docs for info on many features.

2. Please where's this docs? I searched in Zeos\Doc dir, Zeos\*.html, Zeos library forum and in ZeosLib project in SourceForge.

> 3. You should check your lib subdir for possible dynlibs(dlls).

3. In my Zeos\Lib\Postgresql exits the following dlls: libpq65, 72, 73 and 74, but in winnt\system32 I put the libpq803 that I rename to libpq74.


Posted: 03.09.2005, 10:35
by Lightning
Renaming is a sollution.
I think Zeos is not updated yet for version 8x of PG lib, you should try 74 with the 8x server, i am not currently using PG but i remember this was the sollution.
The docs seem to be few, the old website was lost :(
You can find some here

Posted: 03.09.2005, 15:02
by smsanti
Well, really rename the libpq of the postgresql 8 works well. I didn't test but it is possible that Zeos doesn't support some new feature of PostgreSQL 8.

In any way libpq74 works well up to where I tested.

Finally. I understand that if I set the protocol for postgresql-7.4 Zeos uses the libpq74, now why if I set the protocol for postgresql Zeos continues using the libpq74 I didn't still understand. Maybe is a type of default for the last version of the postgresql that Zeos knew in its last version, I think.


Posted: 08.09.2005, 14:06
by Metal
I currently use libpq74(that comes with zeos) with server PostgreSQL 8.0.3, it work nice. The new fucntions in v8 works(for example i use savepoints)

u can try, disable POSTGRESQL_STRICT_DLL_LOADING directive in
then plaindriver use(and search) libpq74 and libpq.dll

p.s. sorry for bad english

Posted: 08.09.2005, 14:57
by aperger

Unfortunatelly the POSTGRESQL_STRICT_DLL_LOADING and SQL_STRICT_DLL_LOADING are mixed in the source and So If I modify (add and remove this directives) in the system allways tries to load only libpqXX.dll, never libpq.dll... I remove line like these
from the source, compile again the package and work perfectly with 8.0.3.

The solution is the same for MySQL too, but here is very inportant the version in the "protocol" property in ZConnection object, in this way the program can load the correct DLL if the name is not contain the version.


Posted: 22.09.2005, 14:19
by Terence
Would be great if you could extend your work and release a new alpha build which supports the postgressql 8.x libs. :lol:

Tx in advance,

Posted: 06.10.2005, 19:13
by btrewern
IIRC the use of POSTGRESQL_STRICT_DLL_LOADING was to stop people using the default libpq.dll which is installed by other programs. This was the cause of many errors in Zeos.

I think you would be better off selecting the postgresql-7.4 protocol and sticking with the libpq74.dll supplied with zeos. This is quite compatible with the newer versions of Postgres and will not be overwritten by other programs like pgAdmin etc.



Posted: 07.10.2005, 04:55
by Michael

at the moment I'm concerned with integrating the Postgre 8.0.x protocol into ZeosLib. I hope that it will come with one of the next CVS-"Weeklies". It still has to pass our internal tests.

Posted: 07.10.2005, 06:44
by cvadim
It would be very nice if this version will support dollar-quotation from Postgres 8.0: ... AR-QUOTING