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Installation problems with d2006

Posted: 28.04.2006, 11:19
by chux
hi, im using delphi 2006 and im trying to install the 6.5.1 A.
I have done all the instructions includes in the download, but when i try to install the ZComponent.bpt y get the message of TLoginEvent is not defined....
Before os thuis i have compiled ZCore,ZParseSQL, ZPlain and ZDbc with no error....

What can i do?


Posted: 28.04.2006, 14:14
by bryan
The type of TLoginEvent had been remove from Unit DB to DBCommonTypes

at Delphi 2006. So you need edit the ZConnection.pas for add some lines under

the Uses keywords, like this:


Posted: 28.04.2006, 15:18
by chux
Thanks for help, but im doing something worng and dont know what....
Now, i get this two new problems


BaseFieldTypes: array[TFieldType] of TFieldType = (
ftUnknown, ftString, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftInteger, ftBoolean, ftFloat,
ftFloat, ftBCD, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftDateTime, ftBytes, ftVarBytes,
ftInteger, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftBlob, ftUnknown,
ftString, ftString, ftLargeInt, ftADT, ftArray, ftReference, ftDataSet,
ftBlob, ftBlob, ftVariant, ftInterface, ftInterface, ftString, ftTimeStamp, ftFMTBcd);

...i get this error: E2072 Number of elements (38) differs from declaration (42)

and here says me that could not compile...

uses ZMessages, ZClasses, ZAbstractRODataset;

i have put the build directory into the path, and i have try to download the stable version (not alpha), and i still have this two messages


Posted: 28.04.2006, 22:18
by mdaems
Hi Chux.
What stable version do you mean? That should be an old one.
You could try to use the SVN version for D2006. I think most problems (like the one mentioned by bryan) are solved there, although the project groups are not defined yet. The Svn repository is here:"svn://".
Oh, dont forget to clean up the old stuff.Just to make sure it doen't interfere with this version.

Good luck,


Posted: 16.06.2006, 09:21
by drbastem
"svn://" NOT Found

Posted: 19.06.2006, 11:17
by muthuhk - try this , then update.

Posted: 20.06.2006, 22:13
by MMike

I'm using D2006 und MySql 4.0.

Now, I want to install the new version of zeos (

Wenn I build zdbc100.bpl, the following errors occure:

[Pascal Fehler] ZDbcMetadata.pas(323): E2211 Deklaration von 'IsCaseSensitive' unterscheidet sich von der Deklaration in Interface 'IZIdentifierConvertor'
[Pascal Fehler] ZDbcMetadata.pas(323): E2211 Deklaration von 'IsQuoted' unterscheidet sich von der Deklaration in Interface 'IZIdentifierConvertor'
[Pascal Fehler] ZDbcMetadata.pas(323): E2211 Deklaration von 'Quote' unterscheidet sich von der Deklaration in Interface 'IZIdentifierConvertor'
[Pascal Fehler] ZDbcMetadata.pas(323): E2211 Deklaration von 'ExtractQuote' unterscheidet sich von der Deklaration in Interface 'IZIdentifierConvertor'
[Pascal Fataler Fehler] ZDbcGenericResolver.pas(146): F2063 Verwendete Unit 'ZDbcMetadata' kann nicht compiliert werden

How can I solve the problem?



Posted: 20.06.2006, 22:37
by MMike

sorry, I forgot to erase the old bpl-Files. Now I can install.


Posted: 11.08.2006, 07:02
by bl3nder
hi i have the same problem as chux had.
but when i try to add


to the uses, my d2006 dont know DBCommonTypes

what can i do ?

Posted: 14.08.2006, 10:18
by Gerard
DBCommonTypes should be in


$BDS is your installation folder for Borland Studio

Posted: 18.08.2006, 13:29
by bl3nder
i should paste it directly under "uses" ... ok now this is working but
after compiling again these errors are shown ( sorry for german text ) :

Code: Select all

[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(325): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'SInvalidOperationInTrans'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(508): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'SLoginPromptFailure'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(566): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'EZDatabaseError'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(566): E2066 Operator oder Semikolon fehlt
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(575): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'EZDatabaseError'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(575): E2066 Operator oder Semikolon fehlt
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(584): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'EZDatabaseError'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(584): E2066 Operator oder Semikolon fehlt
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(724): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TZAbstractRODataset'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(731): E2066 Operator oder Semikolon fehlt
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(783): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'IZCollection'
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(790): E2029 'DO' erwartet, aber Bezeichner 'Count' gefunden
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(792): E2015 Operator ist auf diesen Operandentyp nicht anwendbar
[Pascal Fehler] ZConnection.pas(879): E2003 Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'ZEOS_VERSION'
[Pascal Fataler Fehler] ZAbstractRODataset.pas(52): F2063 Verwendete Unit '..\..\src\component\ZConnection.pas' kann nicht compiliert werden
what can i do now ?