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Filter and Filtered propertyes

Posted: 28.04.2006, 06:18
by CID
dtmMain->qryProductos->Filter = "Upper(" + sColName + ") like "+ QuotedStr("%"+ AnsiUpperCase(sText)+"%");
dtmMain->qryProductos->Filter = sColName + " = "+ AnsiUpperCase(sText);

That not working. qryProductos is a TZQuery connected to a TZConnection with a SQLite database.

Always the result for that filter is the empty dataset.

Posted: 28.04.2006, 09:44
by btrewern
Use * instead of %.



Posted: 28.04.2006, 17:55
by CID
The '_' is '?' ??

Posted: 28.04.2006, 18:18
by CID
% == *
_ == ?

Thanks Ben