I've a problem with zeosLib, c++ builder and FireBird

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I've a problem with zeosLib, c++ builder and FireBird

Post by oggettone »

I've installed in my c++ builder zeoslib and it work great! But couse I'm Italian I must use a database with field that contain a special character (e.g. "àèìòù" ) when I use this char with SQL interrogation it work fine, but when I use a component such DBGRID my software generate an error on parsing the string.. How I can use dbgrid with ZEOS?
ZeosLib's Handyman :o)
ZeosLib's Handyman :o)
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Post by Michael »

Hi ogettone and :welcome: to our forum.

Could you please specify which ZeosLib and Firebird versions you are using?

I know that there is a problem in Firebird 1.5.1 regarding special characters (in german "äöü...", also) in conjunction with the usage of ZeosLib 6.1.5. This Problem will disappear by using 1.5.2 without any changes in ZeosLib.
:prog2: Use the source, dude!

[align=right]..::.. ZeosLib on SourceForge ..::..[/align]
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