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Positioned Deletes

Posted: 31.03.2006, 02:18
by DavidVTaylor
Just checking if anyone has worked through the details of using positioned deletes (or updates) with Zeos and Firebird. I can see there is a mechanism for defining the cursor name for a query result set. When I try to set the cursor name I get an AV since the underlying DbcStatement object does not seem to get created until after the query is opened:


Looking at the code I get the impression that this feature is either not fully functional or perhaps I have missed something along the way. Before "fixing" the problem I thought it wise to see if this is really a design problem with Zeos or lack of understanding on my part.

BTW - This is a feature I would like to get working since it solves some touchy dependency management issues with a framework I created for selectively exporting and/or deleting object graphs in Instant Object applications. Currently I am forced to record the primary keys for all selected rows and then later come back an perform the actual deletion. With positioned updates I avoid this extra step.
