Currency problem with Firebird

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Currency problem with Firebird

Post by eelias »

Hi there,

I am having a weird problem that I could not isolate up to now.

it SEEMS to be like this ... ency#p8901

However I am using 7.0.3-stable with Firbird 1.0 (yes the 1.0 that is right), Delphi XE2 update 4

Everything worked fine up to now, but I found recently one case that got attention, not sure it happened more times, but that one was a Value 4.20 that insist to be 4.19 when saved on the table.

There is no calculations, the value comes from a string. I am using a INSERT on a ZQuery, with many other fields that are doing correct, but this one:

paramByname('VALOR_ITENS').AsCurrency := strtocurr('4.2');

or even

paramByname('VALOR_ITENS').AsString := '4.2';

The field is saved as 4.19 always.

The field is declared as NUMERIC(12,2). Certanly there are other cases, but this is the only that I could see and reproduce easily. I have a lot of fields like that.

It seems some precision problem. How can I avoid that?

Thank you

EDIT: with AsFloat the problem did not happen. I was afraid of using float just because precision with money value. It fixes this particular problem, not sure if the problem happens diferently with other values !!!!
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Re: Currency problem with Firebird

Post by EgonHugeist »

AFAIK is this issue resolved. Don't know the revision anymore.

So please update your Zeos.
Best regards, Michael

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