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User Forums

Posted: 23.03.2006, 21:25
by sandeep_c24

I haven't seen much activity on these user forums, so I was wondering if there are any other user forums for zeos.



Posted: 24.03.2006, 00:26
by mdaems
As far as I know there are none, Sandeep. And I hope there will not be to much other forums until Zeos is really big. That would only spread the little information available by now.
It would be nice if every developer using Zeos would read through this forum and send the little patches they made. I'm sure that would help the dev team and the users at the same time.
It would be nice though, if there were some place on this site where we could see the list of todos, non-fixed problems and contributed-but-not-yet-integrated patches. I know there's the sourceforge site, but keeping an eye on two sites is not as convenient as just watching one.


Posted: 24.03.2006, 01:21
by sandeep_c24
The only thing I would like tp know is if Zeos is being developed actively or not. If not I should move to some other data access lib. I am developing 2 applications using Zeos but if the response from users here is not going to be quick I will have to move to other data access component(Sadly).Could someone also point me to the list of developers.



Posted: 24.03.2006, 01:49
by DavidVTaylor
If its any consolation, I have used or looked at most of the Delphi DB libraries available and selected Zeos. My main consideration was the ability to support many SQL databases with one library. I have used Zeos extensively with firebird 1.5 in two commercial applications and it has performed very well. Not to say there are not some bugs and quirks, but overall I am pleased with the result.

I intend to join the Zeos team to help out where I can, especially with Firebird, Oracle and SQL Server since I will be using these databases in the next few months.


Posted: 02.04.2006, 22:41
by firmos
Hello All,

ZEOS Lib is actively developed (again) - but we are in need of help.

We are currently reconsolidating and integrating patches ...

@David - if you want to join us - please contact Michael to set you as Developer,
so you have access to the Developer forum.
and then please contact me to discuss field of possible work.

