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Lazarus and Firebird 1.5: Error -904 Unavailable database

Posted: 22.03.2006, 17:51
by CortelliStefano
Hello, I've installed Zeos 6.5.1-alpha CVS release as of 13/10/2005 on Lazarus 0.9.19 (FPC 2.1.1), for connect to Firebird 1.5.3 Server (NOT Embedded).

At design time if I set ZConnection.Connected = True I receive this error: "SQL Error: unavailable database. Error Code: -904. can't format message 13:96 - message file c:\Program Files\Borland\InterBase/interbase.msg not found".

I can set this property to True at runtime without errors, but after, at runtime, I cannot activate Dataset.

Could someone help me?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,


This is the settings from my LFM file:

object ZConnection1: TZConnection
Protocol = 'firebird-1.5'
Database = 'E:\Delphi\Firebird\Serverprova.gdb'
User = 'SYSDBA'
Password = 'masterkey'
DesignConnection = True
left = 16
top = 12
object ZQuery1: TZQuery
Connection = ZConnection1
SQL.Strings = (
Params = <>
DataSource = Datasource2
MasterSource = Datasource2
left = 15
top = 56
object ZTable1: TZTable
AutoCalcFields = True
left = 14
top = 173

Posted: 28.03.2006, 15:10
by CortelliStefano
I am not able to understund what's he problem. Could anyone help me? I've serached in Internet, but I've not find a solution.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
