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Who knows...

Posted: 10.03.2006, 17:36
by JanH
Hi there,

is anyone here who knows which version has not the date-bug?
With date-bug I mean if I edit or insert a record and enter a valid date in an according edit-field (or dbgrid) this value would be change to a invalid and weird value.

Is there a known version which works fine?


Posted: 10.03.2006, 18:45
by barko
As I know, this bug is only on fpc port of zeosdbo. There is something... on write to db is date changed to bad date format... and there is no other versions for fpc than zeosdbo_rework.

I use in my program dirty trick. dates are in varchars, and their numbers are in float field or other float fields... double precision for sorting... for view i show varchar part of date... bad trick, but it work for now.

Posted: 12.03.2006, 17:56
by firmos
Latest SVN Version should work fine ...
currently dev team is working on bug fixing and testing
you may fetch svn version - but no warrenties on this ...


Posted: 12.03.2006, 18:37
by barko
From where can I fetch SVN version of zeosdbo?

Posted: 13.03.2006, 10:51
by bee
I've test the zeos rework from barko's given URLs, and tried it working with date fields. Thankfully, I found no problem, both retrieving or updating. I've tested it with Firebird v.1.5.3 on WinXP only, though. :D


Posted: 14.03.2006, 14:02
by firmos
Hello again,

you can checkout newest code at:

Code: Select all

svn checkout svn://
... use at your own risk ...

@Datebug: This is a bug in FPC 2.0.2 / The newest Versions of FPC dont have this bug - so you need to upgrade FPC or bugfix it dirty!


Posted: 14.03.2006, 15:24
by btrewern
To download from SVN in windows use TortoiseSVN at


Posted: 14.03.2006, 15:51
by barko
firmos, thanks for svn address...

Posted: 14.03.2006, 16:21
by firmos
Hi, all

if you want to support us a bit - you can ask michael for developer status,
then you can access the Developer forum where more specific details are
discussed ...

greets, firmos