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ZEOS DBO Installation

Posted: 07.04.2016, 15:31
by joel

I tried to install the ZEOS components on Delphi XE7
I follow the instruction guide provide in documentation
Locate the package directory associated with your compiler and open the ZeosDbo.bpg project group.
Load the project and compile the following components in the order listed (or just choose compile all
from Project-Menu)
I opened Delphi XE7 folder, ZeosDbo.bpg doesn't exist. There is ZeosDbo.groupproj. I compiles the project and the package ZCore210.bpl has been created
But when I tried to install the package the error message is :
Impossible to install the package C:\ZEOS\packages\DelphiXE7\ZCore210.bpl this is not a designtime package

I am working on Windows 8, 64 bytes

Thank for your help

Re: ZEOS DBO Installation

Posted: 12.04.2016, 10:04
by mdaems

This is a correct message. Only one package should be installed. The last one in the list.
This is done this way to avoid you have to compile IDE related stuff into your programs even when you don't need it for your usage. eg. When making connections form a console program you don't need the visual component overhead. The dbc layer can work perfectly without the components stuf. And so on.
