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Installation Instructions Lazarus, Linux, Win32

Posted: 26.08.2005, 22:08
by rubenjavier
First the intructions for Linux:
*under Linux you need to install at least FPC 2.0.1 and the latest nightly snapshot of Lazarus (0.9.9)), the easyest way to do this is to download FPC rpms from: ... p_id=89339
Download fpc-2.0.0-0.i586.rpm
Download fpcsrc-2.0.0-0.i386.rpm
and install them according to your linux distro
(for rpm distro use
rpm -Uvh fpc-XXX.rpm )
(change fpc-XXX.deb for the real name of the .rpm files)

(for Ubuntu I type in console at the rpms directory:
alien fpc*
this turns them into .deb packages at your "home" directory
and can be from console installed with:
dpkg -i fpc-XXX.deb)
(change fpc-XXX.deb for the real name of the .deb files created by the "alien" command from the original .rpms)

go to /usr/lib/fpc/2.0.0/
type in console:
sh ./samplecfg /usr/lib/fpc/2.0.0 etc/
that will create the file fpc.cfg in /etc/

***Now to update to FPC 2.0.1***

then go to: ... 386-linux/
Download fpc-2.0.1.i386-linux.tar.gz
and overwrite with its contents the bin lib and share folders in your /usr/ directory
*in usr/lib/fpc/ you have now a /2.0.0/ and /2.0.1/ directories... take everything inside the 2.0.1 directory and overwrite it inside the 2.0.0 directory

*go to
and download
overwrite with its contents the /usr/share/fpcsrc/ directory

*from any of your 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 directories take the new "ppc386" (this is a "ppc386" that came with the file you downloaded from the FPC ftp in the file "fpc-2.0.1.i386-linux.tar.gz") and overwrite it on the /usr/bin/ directory
*now go to /usr/share/fpcsrc/ and do a "make all" from console
(this will remake everything with the new "ppc386")

***Lazarus Nightly Build***
go to
and download lazarus-0.9.9-20050821-src.tar.bz2
unzip it wherever you want your lazarus to be (for example /home/myusername/lazarus)
go to your lazarus directory and type in the console:
make all
(this will make lazarus with the latest "ppc386" and it will work with FPC 2.0.1)
now you have the latest lazarus and the latest FPC and you can install Zeosdbo rework from /packages/lazarus:
(in this order)
*compile zcore.lpk
*compile zparsesql.lpk
*compile zplain.lpk
*compile zdbc.lpk
*compile zcomponent.lpk***install zcomponent.lpk

*****Our friend silvio also pointed out that if you get error when compiling zcomponent.lpk (an override error that occurs with FPC 2.0.0) you can change the "override" for "overload"
I haven't tried this yet personally but in theory you could install zeos with FPC stable 2.0.0 and Lazarus stable 0.98 directly from the rpms found in: ... p_id=89339
downloading the two rpms for FPC and for Lazarus you need to download:
Download lazarus-0.9.8-fpc_2.0.0_0.i386.rpm
and then install them from the rpms or convert them to .deb first with "alien" for a debian based linux, and then install them*****

Posted: 26.08.2005, 22:14
by rubenjavier
Now the win32 instructions:
under win32 you can use FPC 2.0.0, just downlad it from the FPC site at:
after installing it you need to install a nightly build of lazarus from:
then from the package\lazarus directory from your zeosdbo_rework, install in thos order:
*compile zcore.lpk
*compile zparsesql.lpk
*compile zplain.lpk
*compile zdbc.lpk
*compile zcomponent.lpk***install zcomponent.lpk
now you have zeos working under lazarus/win32
*****Our friend silvio also pointed out that if you get error when compiling zcomponent.lpk (an override error that occurs with FPC 2.0.0) you can change the "override" for "overload"
I haven't tried this yet personally but in theory you could install zeos with FPC stable 2.0.0 and Lazarus stable 0.98 directly from the win32 installer: ... p_id=89339