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How stable 6.5.1 is at this moment ?

Posted: 17.02.2006, 00:24
by FireBlade
I thought I was going to switch to 6.5.1
but now I'm afraid of possible problems...
I'd like to hear some experiances or
recomendations, please...
At the moment I use Delphi7/Kylix3,
Zeos 6.1.5+patch2 and Firebird 1.5.

Will there be complications to adapt my existing
code and settings if I switch to 6.5.1 ??

How much more will 6.5.1 be in alpha stage?
Are there plans for some betas or final release soon?

And finaly:
Is there a page where we can see detailed change logs?

Thanks so much in advance, greets to everyone! :)

Posted: 17.02.2006, 11:17
by matsgefvert
From what I've heard and seen, most things in 6.5.1 is mostly bug patches. In my view, it really should be more stable than 6.1.5.

On the other hand, since we're still running Delphi5 at work (the Big Switch to 2k5 coming up any day now), we haven't been able to try it out. So it's all anectodal evidence at best ;)

There is a very detailed changelog in the 6.5.1 zip file, if you download it.

Take care!
/ Mats

Posted: 17.02.2006, 13:17
by FireBlade
Thanks Mats! :)

I've read changelog yesterday, found it... :)
But it would be nice if they publish Changelog
on the download webpage, below download links
(something like that) so that we can see what's changed
before downloading, if changes are not important for your work,
you won't waste your time downloading...
I would really appreciate this. :)

I deceided to replace old Zeos with new one, today...
so will see! :)

I will come back later to say how it was,
maybe it will help to some other people.

Cya! :)

Posted: 17.02.2006, 20:46
by zippo
I'm using 6.5.1 for a year and never had problems...

Posted: 19.02.2006, 19:17
by FireBlade
I switched to 6.5.1 and now I have a problem with my project...
All the lookup fields don't work anymore, and there are heaps of them... :(

I've read some posts about the recent lookup field problem,
but in changelog I couldn't find if the bug was corrected.

Values of all lookup fields are empty and I have no idea where to start.
I rechecked all the properties and recreated some lookup fields
but it didn't help.
It worked just fine in 6.1.5.
I even changed key fields to integer type (before was smallint),
because the previous lookup f. bug was related to smallint fields.

Please, can anyuone help me. I'm so stressed.

Shall I start a new thread with this?

Posted: 20.02.2006, 10:08
by zippo
I use lookups and works OK.

Try to check the DataSet.ShowRecordTypes

Posted: 20.02.2006, 11:11
by FireBlade
What settings do you use for DataSet.ShowRecordTypes ?

Posted: 22.02.2006, 14:41
by zippo

Many times after an upgrade of components it becames [] and the datasets are allways shown as ampty, so why I'm asking this.

Posted: 23.02.2006, 12:24
by FireBlade
Thanks man, but I figured it out.
It was a still remaining bug, already posted some time ago.
So, don't use smallint types for lookup keys,
it will not work, use plain integers.

I hope these guys will soon manage to fix.
It's not that I'm complaning, Zeos is the best in it's league! :)

After I fixed my lookup keys, it works like a dream.
No other issues... I see improvements only! :)


Posted: 23.02.2006, 17:41
by btrewern
If you use PostgreSQL and Domains there is a regression from 6.1.5. I have put a patch on Sourceforge.



Posted: 23.02.2006, 21:01
by FireBlade
but no need for that.
I use Firebird, and I'm pleasent with the way it works now.

Btw, how do you access to SF's CVS... by web interface or by some other software?
any recommendations?
(I'm new with that stuff)


Posted: 24.02.2006, 17:29
by btrewern
I'm new to that too but try TortoiseCVS. Everyone seems to recommend it.
