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Syntax error - Multiple commands

Posted: 30.07.2013, 15:13
by doidopb

I use the zeos 6.6.2-RC, Delphi 7 and Mysql 5.0.45. I'm trying to run multiple commands at once, example:

z_command.SQL.add('UPDATE SCE2_ESTQUIMI SET quant_nf = quant_nf + ' + 1 WHERE codigo = "200";');
z_command.SQL.add('UPDATE SCE2_ESTQUIMI SET quant_nf = quant_nf + ' + 1 WHERE codigo = "201";');
z_command.SQL.add('UPDATE SCE2_ESTQUIMI SET quant_nf = quant_nf + ' + 1 WHERE codigo = "202";');


Does not work, I get an error SQL Syntax, but HeidiSQL the functions normally.

Does anyone know how to do???


Posted: 30.07.2013, 21:14
by EgonHugeist

why are you using this old version? update to 7.0 and we can check the issues. 6.x isn't maintained anymore, since we miss some more volunters for coding.

Posted: 01.08.2013, 16:52
by marsupilami
Hello doidopb,

first issue - upgrade to 7.0 if you can, as Michael suggests. If you can not upgrade, upgrade to Zeos 6.6.6. Also please post the error message because these contain valuable information at most times...
Best regards,
