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IntToStr/StrToInt replacement wanted

Posted: 25.06.2013, 13:33
by EgonHugeist
Hi to all,

does someone knows a IntToStr/StrToInt replacement for the Unicode IDE's which NOT returns/uses a UnicodeString? Casting/Converting the UnicodeString down to single byte strings eats time.

My current approach (which is propably faster):

Code: Select all

function IntToRaw(I: Integer): RawbyteString;
  Str(I: 1, Result);  //In average 300ms faster of exec count 10.000.000x instead of casting or using ASCII7 function to get a RawByteString
  Result := IntToStr(i); //In average 10ms slower of exec count 10.000.000x instead of direct calling IntToStr

function IntToRaw(I: Int64): RawByteString;
  Str(I: 1, Result);   //In average 100ms faster of exec count 10.000.000x instead of casting or using ASCII7 function to get a RawByteString
  Result := IntToStr(i); //In average 10ms slower of exec count 10.000.000x instead of direct calling IntToStr
So it would be nice to have faster funtions which do return/work with rawbytestrings direcly and NO speed decrease happens for the Ansi-IDE's..

Each hint is welcome.

Posted: 25.06.2013, 14:02
by miab3

Posted: 25.06.2013, 19:02
by EgonHugeist

uhhh oooh, YES that's what i want to see. I remember Delphi(since D2007) uses some code of John O'Harrold, etc. nowadays too. No copyrights.. Well done, Michal! I'll benchmark these functs tonight and add them!

Remaining is StrToInt with in Param SingleByteString (RBS). The casts we need to support the newer UnicodeIDE's slowing down a loads of processes. Any ideas?

Posted: 25.06.2013, 20:51
by miab3

Maybe this can be useful, but only 32-bit: ... 00195.html


Posted: 26.06.2013, 01:08
by EgonHugeist

added pure pascal code of John O'Harrow:
10x faster than Delphi or FPC RTL for 32Bit Integer
2x faster than Delphi or FPC RTL for 64Bit Integer

the assambler code written by John O'Harrow i currently not use (did test a lot but have some remaining issue with the UnicodeIDE's and setting a CopdePage to the Strings). Also do i need some defines because asm is less portable.

Tested: ... 00195.html
But the code is aligned to ShortString and less portable again. Thought it's only usefull for W32. Will check the issues later...

Anyway thank's. Other suggestions?

Posted: 10.07.2013, 13:22
by marcov
Instead of inttostr use the base primitive VAL() ?

Posted: 13.07.2013, 00:11
by EgonHugeist

the UnicodeIDE's have inparam s: String (UnicodeString) (even if they cast the type down)and i cant access __vallong, __valext of the system unites..

the only base primitive they left was Str().

Inbetween i wrote a set of functions which work with Wide/Unicode-Strings and RawByte/AnsiStrings to avoid each typecast.
Check ZSysUtils.pas use them for FPC if you want, Marco. If you ever plan going Unicode than please do it better than Delphi. (:

Posted: 14.07.2013, 13:23
by marcov
We'll probably be exactly the same, with an overload extra here and there. We are studying on the ability to compile something Delphi-old and delphi-unicode from the same source, but the delphi-old stuff will be legacy (and probably die out in time)

There was some movement recently, system and sysutils file/dir functions have been updated to unicodestring in a branch, and it is also possible to compile unit Windows in two-byte mode.

Probably the classes level will be next (to convert to two byte mode) in fall.

Posted: 16.07.2013, 13:36
by EgonHugeist

Well i know the most should be equal. For me it's annoying that Delphi didn't left base functions to use single-byte encoded strings.

FloatToStr, IntToStr, FormatDateTime f.e. where you can't use overloads. So i wrote some two way directions like IntToUnicode, IntToRaw etc.

And raw overloads for StrToInt or StrToFloat do not exist too. i know Delphi Ansi will die out in time but there is still a loads of such base fundamential required working with single-byte based RDBM's.

It really would be nice (mostly for others, because Zeos have it's own routines inbetween) to have some functions to work in two way directions. Also is the Stream-Thing of Delphi a terrible stupid thing. TStringList.SaveToStream still writes single-byte streams.. Encoding? Data-Loss?

Just some Dev hints:
FPC Variant doesn't support the RawByteString assignments.
SetString for UTF8String and RawByteString isn't supported for FPC2.7 too..