Problem With TZStoredProc LAZ[1.0.8] MYSql[5.5.8]

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Problem With TZStoredProc LAZ[1.0.8] MYSql[5.5.8]

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cuando trato de utilizar el componente TZStoredProc me aparece el siguiente mensaje: "database connection component is not assigned", incluso cuando estoy utilizando solo 2 componentes el TZConnection y el TZStoredProc, lo he provado incluso en un nuevo proyecto y da el mismo error.

el error da en esta subrutina
Checks if the database connection is assigned
and tries to connect.
procedure TZAbstractRODataset.CheckConnected;
if Connection = nil then
raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SConnectionIsNotAssigned);

si utilizo el componente TZQuery funciona pero solo lo ejecuta una vez luego tengo que volver a conectar la base de datos

alguien me puede ayudar con este tema le estaria muy agradecido

Utilizo Lazarus 1.0.8
ZeosLib 7.0.3 (Stable)
Windows XP SP3
Mysql 5.5.8


Google Tanslate:
when I try to use the component TZStoredProc I get the following message: "database connection component is not assigned", even when I'm using only two components the TZConnection and TZStoredProc, I've proven even in a new project and gives the same error.

error occurs in this subroutine
Checks if the database connection is assigned
and tries to connect.
procedure TZAbstractRODataset.CheckConnected;
if Connection = nil then
raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SConnectionIsNotAssigned);

if I use the component TZQuery works but it only runs once then I have to reconnect the database

anyone can help me with this issue I would be very grateful

I use Lazarus 1.0.8
ZeosLib 7.0.3 (Stable)
Windows XP SP3
Mysql 5.5.8

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