[solved] Zeoslib 7.0.3 and firebird 2.1/2.5

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[solved] Zeoslib 7.0.3 and firebird 2.1/2.5

Post by k1attila1 »

I try to use zeoslib 7.0.3 with lazarus and delphi xe,xe2 with firebird 2.1/2.5.

The problems are the same.

At designtime i place a Zconnection and a Zstoredproc component and i set everyíthing well.

Zstoredproc : connection,storedprocname,params.

Everything work well at designtime.

The compilation is OK.

But when i try to run the application it crash with a runtime error message : "the connection is not assigned"

why ?

But everything work well if i set everything (connection,storedprocname,params.) from code.

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Post by EgonHugeist »


that was a bug. It's allready fixed on 7.1 (SVN)

Can't find the thread now. ZStoredProcedure.pas:

Code: Select all

procedure TZStoredProc.SetStoredProcName(const Value: string);
  OldParams: TParams;
  Catalog, Schema, ObjectName: string;
  ColumnType: Integer;
  if AnsiCompareText(Trim(SQL.Text), Trim(Value)) <> 0 then
    SQL.Text := Value;
    if ParamCheck and (Value <> '') and not (csLoading in ComponentState) and Assigned(Connection) then
      CheckConnected; <------ This line was wrong placed. Fix it and it works ((;
Check the line i've commented above.
Best regards, Michael

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Post by k1attila1 »

Many thanks, Sir !

It works well.

Danke !
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Post by EgonHugeist »


Bitte. Kein Problem (:
Best regards, Michael

You want to help? http://zeoslib.sourceforge.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3671
You found a (possible) bug? Use the new bugtracker dude! http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/tickets/

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