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[solved] Delphi, Postgres - blob field, file storage

Posted: 23.05.2013, 14:58
by spliter
i looked everywhere and really didnt found answer.
I'm using postgres 9.2, Delphi 2009 and XE3 and zeos
I tried to upload file to bytea type field. When i upload it (zquery), and download without refreshing, everything is ok. Until i close and open query (load data from DB) file size is 3x times bigger. I tried different methods...from simplest LoadFromFile to working with streams. And on every method result is the same. Uploaded 10kb file got 31kb file. What i'm doing wrong?

I'm realllly sorry, if that was in some topic, i'm on this all day, and my head isnt thinking really cleary.

Re: Delphi, Postgres - blob field, file storage

Posted: 23.05.2013, 17:01
by spliter
Really nobody using delphi, postgres, new zeos and doing file upload and download? :(

Posted: 23.05.2013, 17:41
by spliter
Just found out - libpq.dll. Delphi was used old old old one, upgraded end everything is ok.
Sorry, for spamming, thread can be deleted.

Posted: 24.05.2013, 08:59
by EgonHugeist

the thread must not be deleted. Simply add [solved] to your topic..