I would like to use ZEOS with Oracle database and SQL like that:
INSERT INTO tb_test(pole_test) VALUES ('test') returning id into :vid
This SQL works fine when I use ADO components. With ZEOS I am not able to get return value.
This is example, how I try to do this with ADO and ZEOS:
Sql := 'insert into tb_test (pole_test) values (:pole_test) returning id into :vid';
zqPomocnicze.Active := False;
zqPomocnicze.ParamByName('pole_test').Value := 'test';
zqPomocnicze.ParamByName('vid').ParamType := ptInputOutput;
//with parameter ptOutput I got error
//OCI_ERROR: ORA-01008
zqPomocnicze.ParamByName('vid').DataType := ftInteger;
S := VarToStr(dmSzkol.zqPomocnicze.Params[1].Value); //S is always empty
Code with Adoquery (SQL is identical)
ADOQuery1.Active := False;
ADOQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('pole_test').Value := 'test';
ADOQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('vid').DataType := ftInteger;
ADOQuery1.Parameters.ParamByName('vid').Direction := pdOutput;
S := VarToStr(ADOQuery1.Parameters[1].Value); //S contains ID
Do I make something wrong with ZEOS? Or in ZEOS it is impossible to get that ID?
ora and sql with returning statement
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Re: ora and sql with returning statement
No. Seems the Outparam is not handle. Thats not supported by now. (sorry for that)Do I make something wrong with ZEOS? Or in ZEOS it is impossible to get that ID?
Code: Select all
insert into tb_test (pole_test) values (:pole_test) returning id
Best regards, Michael
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