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Problem with zeos instalation and delphi xe2

Posted: 15.03.2013, 18:53
by rmbenitez
I try to install zeos packets into my delphi xe2 :
- add into library path:
- src/components
- src/core
- src/dbc
- src/parsesql
- src/plain
- packages/delphixe2/build

- Compile the project without errors.
- Install without errors.
- and show me "Package ZcomponentDesing160.bpl has been installed

But not register any component.

Try to add
ZComponentReg in '..\..\src\component\ZComponentReg.pas';
in zcomponent, but when i compile have errors with
toolsapi, dockform and diferents units.

i read the manual of instalations and i donĀ“t now what is the problem.

Posted: 28.03.2013, 10:28
by philnext
I have more or less the same problem. A little progress with the SVN last package, I see know the package installed but empty...
Any Idea ?

Posted: 28.03.2013, 12:28
by philnext
OK, my solution :
= desinstall all ZEOS if installed,
= delete the z*.bpl
= take ALL the last SVN branche ... .0-patches and put it in a \zeos\ directory.

In the XE2 IDE :
= check the library path
= open \zeos\packages\DelphiXE2\ZeosDbo.groupproj
= in the 'project Menu' build it (with compile all)
= (optionnal) check if all the bpl are created.
= in the 'project Menu' install ZComponentDesign.bpl (right click + install).

You must have a message indicate that all the components (with the name) are installed...

Then you may try a sample like : zeos\examples\simple\ZSimple.dpr
You have an error on line 173 UpdateSQL.Refresh_OLD_ID_SEQ:=true;
Comment the line and works !

Posted: 26.04.2013, 16:07
by maxid
ZComponentDesign.dpk(36): E2202 Required package 'desingide' not found

this appears to install 703 zeos stable in delphi XE2, but I can not make it install.
I looked everywhere with no luck.

As additional data in another pc to install without problem, but in this case no

Posted: 26.04.2013, 16:11
by philnext
@maxid : did you try the way via the SVN ?

Re: Problem with zeos instalation and delphi xe2

Posted: 03.05.2013, 13:56
by shonat
rmbenitez wrote: - and show me "Package ZcomponentDesing160.bpl has been installed

But not register any component.
Any ideas? I have the same problem.
Tried from svn too.

Re: Problem with zeos instalation and delphi xe2

Posted: 03.05.2013, 14:19
by shonat
shonat wrote:
rmbenitez wrote: - and show me "Package ZcomponentDesing160.bpl has been installed

But not register any component.
Any ideas? I have the same problem.
Tried from svn too.
While compiling ZComponentDesign.dproj

"The following changes must be made before this package can be compiled"
"Remove ZPropertyEditor, ZUpdateSqlEditor, ZComponentReg."


Posted: 03.05.2013, 14:32
by marsupilami
Hello Shonat,

I can only advise you to check and clean up the library path, check and possibly remove the installed packages, remove all Z*.bpl, Z*.dcu and Z*.dcp files from your system. Afterwards try to compile and install the packages again - without any modifications. The Packages installed cleanly on my Delphi XE2...
Best regards,


Posted: 03.05.2013, 15:09
by shonat
marsupilami wrote:Hello Shonat,

I can only advise you to check and clean up the library path, check and possibly remove the installed packages, remove all Z*.bpl, Z*.dcu and Z*.dcp files from your system. Afterwards try to compile and install the packages again - without any modifications. The Packages installed cleanly on my Delphi XE2...
Best regards,

Finally !
It works, thanks a lot.

Looks like I had previous packages not completely uninstalled.

Posted: 05.06.2013, 14:08
by cmatrix
Note that if you have other Delphi and Zeos versions, you can temporarily rename the folders where the old Zeos units are in so you can install the new Zeos version without encountering this problem.