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Does the 7.0 stable version have support for C++Builder 6.0

Posted: 23.01.2013, 13:59
by jjeffman

Does the 7.0 stable version have support for C++Builder 6.0 ?

Is it possible to install on C++Builder 6.0 Professional Edition ?

Thanks very much.

Kind regards.

Posted: 25.01.2013, 01:26
by EgonHugeist

if the compiler verions is less or equal to VER130 then i'm sure it wo't work since we broke with delphis older than D7. On the other hand it should work. But feel free to test it and report your expiriences!

Which is the compiler executable ?

Posted: 25.01.2013, 14:27
by jjeffman
I apologize for not knowing which is the compiler executable ? Can you please tell me its file name ?

I have never used C++Builder in command line.

Best regards.

Posted: 25.01.2013, 22:16
by EgonHugeist

if googled a while and found this: ... al_Defines

So i'm sorry we broke with all deprecated compilers from VER140 and below. But you can uncomment the VER140 check in and try it by your selves. On the other hand use the deprecated 6.6.6 instead.

Posted: 26.04.2013, 18:36
by jjeffman

As you have broken with the deprecated compilers, could you please help me to improve version 6.6.6, adding charset conversion features to it ?

I am not familiar with Delphi (Object Pascal) and I do not know where to start.

SQLite stores data in UTF8 charset and if I use the UTF8Encode method to bind values to the database I can not retrieve them properly using ZeosDBO 6.6.6.

Best regards.

Posted: 30.04.2013, 16:33
by marsupilami
Hello jjeffman,

normally I expect the Zeos 6 SQLite driver to do the encoding for you. Normally there should be no need for you to do a UTF8Encode. Did you try to use SQLite without UTF8Enceode, just as with every other regular database?
Best regards,


Posted: 30.04.2013, 19:07
by jjeffman
Hello marsupilami,

Thank you for answering me.

As a matter of fact I am not using UTF8Enceode yet.

The problem I am facing is that SQLite stores data using UTF8 and, if use SQLite Expert in UTF8 mode to insert text like "coração" in the database tables I am not able the get the text on the same format, it is being retrieved as "coraçÃLo" .

I think SQLite Expert makes a text conversion to UTF8 charset before saving the data to the database when it is configured on UTF8 mode. I have changed the SQLite Expert mode to ANSI mode and now I can retrieve the data using Zeos properly.

I am not making any conversion, I am just using a TDBGrid to show the data retrieved.

If I save the data from my own application the data is retrieved as expected.

So I am not sure where is the problem, might be on SQLite Expert.

Best regards,

Posted: 01.05.2013, 10:56
by marsupilami
Hello jjeffman,

I did some tests and the SQLite driver doesn't behave as I would expect it to behave. Anyway, the SQLite driver in Zeos 6 will only write ANSI encoded strings to the database, you will not get UTF8 easily. If you plan to only use your application with the database then this should be no problem. Also one Idea to actually get UTF8 to the database would be something like depicted in the thread:
But I would suggest to use UTF8Encode and UTF8Decode in the OnSetText and OnGetText events if you choose this way.

Zeos 7 with Delphi 6 / BCB 6 is no way out as this combination also saves Strings as ANSI.

You also might consider to switch to another database - Firebird for example. Firebird has an embedded version that can be used very much like SQLite in stand alone applications as well as a server version if you need multiple users to access you database.
If Pascal is an option for you, you might consider to switch to Lazarus, which is supported by Zeos 7 and works a lot like Delphi and the VCL.

Best regards,
