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Memo field unicode problem

Posted: 06.07.2012, 10:19
by jeremicm
I'm using Delphi XE2 and latest zeos 7 from SVN. I have problem with unicode characters in memo field. Database is mySQL 4.1.

I use DBAdvGrid from TMSSoftware to show data. When i open my query in grid, unicode characters stored in memo field are shown as trash. When i show that characters in edit control using only

Code: Select all

Edit.Text := Field.AsString
they are also shown as trash, but when i convert value to ansistring with

Code: Select all

Edit.Text := Utf8ToAnsi(Field.AsString)
, data is shown as it should be...

Can someone check this and tell me what is going on? This happens only with memo fields.

Posted: 06.07.2012, 10:45
by EgonHugeist

This is stil solved here:
Download this branch, chose TZConnection.CientCodePage := 'utf8'.

I think you're using the trunk or testing + MySQL, right?

If you'll read the thread then you can see some more features.


Btw UTF8ToSring or UTF8ToUnicodeString should be the better choice for your IDE.