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ActiveRecord property

Posted: 11.01.2006, 15:37
by apiove
Indicates the index of the active record in the internal cache of records.
Delphi syntax:
property ActiveRecord: Integer;
C++ syntax:
__property int ActiveRecord = {read=FActiveRecord, nodefault};
Note: Unidirectional datasets never cache records. For unidirectional datasets, the ActiveRecord property is meaningless (and always 0).

This is the guide of Deplhi7, i can't find this property into Zeos DataSet implementation...
Will be a future implementation?

Andrea Piovesan

Posted: 13.01.2006, 16:48
by gto

try the property RecNo ;)

ZQuery.RecNo (ZTable and ZReadOnlyQuery has it too, I think) returns the number of the record in the "internal cache" of component

try it, see if it's what you are looking for

Posted: 30.01.2006, 23:37
by apiove
gto wrote:hello!

try the property RecNo ;)

ZQuery.RecNo (ZTable and ZReadOnlyQuery has it too, I think) returns the number of the record in the "internal cache" of component

try it, see if it's what you are looking for
I was developing a TDBTreeView, so I needed that property, because I'have not to use TZQuery or TZTable, but a TDataSet implementation (TZQuery&Table are TDataSet implementation, are them?)... I've solved the missing in other way using other TDataSet properties.

Thanks for the attention,

Posted: 30.01.2006, 23:57
by zippo
RecNo is also a TDataset implementation if I'm not wrong..

I know...

Posted: 31.01.2006, 09:33
by apiove
zippo wrote:RecNo is also a TDataset implementation if I'm not wrong..
Yes it is, just a stilistic note! ;)
