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application working

Posted: 06.05.2012, 09:34
by kecap

I am new using zeos components
I need to know how to show that the application is working on a query or how to freeze application while working, because the button can be clicked more times with this components and nobody knows that its working.
I woked before with mycomponents and there was sand glass with sql sign while executing query.

How do you solve this?

Posted: 06.05.2012, 13:00
by EgonHugeist

What do you think about TZConnection.SQLHourGlass: Boolean; ?

This can show your users, that the request is in process.


Posted: 06.05.2012, 14:06
by kecap
Thank you very much.
That´s what i was looking for.

Another question.
Doesn´t somebody knows when I run application with F7 Trace into
how to step only thru my source, because I always have to pass all the zeoslib source when I trace into.

Posted: 06.05.2012, 15:22
by EgonHugeist
Ohh, this is think has compiler dependencies..

Which one do you use?

Posted: 06.05.2012, 15:26
by kecap
Now I use Delphi 7.

But I want pass to delphi 2010.

Posted: 08.05.2012, 07:40
by EgonHugeist
Hmm with D7 i can't Tell you something. Check the Options of the compiler to supress debugging of the system/sysutils files.

D2010 shouldn't have this strange behavior.


Posted: 08.05.2012, 08:44
by kecap
I cant find it.

In Delphi 2010 its the same.

Posted: 08.05.2012, 09:03
by EgonHugeist
It seems i missunderstoud you.

Just press F8 on your code-lines. So you trace only your lines steg by step. For more subdetails just press F7. Run all: F9. Rebuild projekt: shift F9....
