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[patch_done] Only one record should have been updated...

Posted: 16.03.2012, 08:12
by DoctorZLO
Throws an error if you write like this:

Posted: 16.03.2012, 08:19
by DoctorZLO
If you write well, then there are no errors:
Q_Name.FieldByName('PR_Time').AsString := TimeToStr(Time);

Q_Name.FieldByName('PR_Time').AsString := TimeToStr(Time);

ZEOS 6.6.6-stable - no errors.

Еried at the last updated ZEOS 7.0.0

Posted: 16.03.2012, 09:11
by EgonHugeist
Hmm i'll check this...

Which configuration du you use?

Posted: 16.03.2012, 10:25
by DoctorZLO
ZEOS 7.0.0 + Delphi 2010 + MySQL 5.0.27
I answered correctly? :)
Do you want to know?

Posted: 16.03.2012, 10:29
by EgonHugeist
Yes you did. This configuration i can test by my selves.

Btw. DoctorZLO, do you use my PreprepsreSQL-Step?

Posted: 16.03.2012, 11:35
by DoctorZLO
Before you write, I have updated ZEOS 7.0.0 using ЕortoiseSVN (03/16/2012). Then reinstalled ZEOS. But the error remained.

Preprepsre SQL-Step I do not use...

I answered correctly?

Posted: 16.03.2012, 11:38
by DoctorZLO
That's how this works too! :)

Q_Name.FieldByName('PR_Time').AsDateTime := Time;


Q_Name.FieldByName('PR_Time').AsDateTime := Time;

Posted: 16.03.2012, 14:25
by EgonHugeist
curious, can't see source diffs between 6.6.6 and 7.0.0 in this case..

which compiler did you use for 6.6.6 ?

Posted: 16.03.2012, 15:27
by DoctorZLO
EgonHugeist wrote:curious, can't see source diffs between 6.6.6 and 7.0.0 in this case..

which compiler did you use for 6.6.6 ?
I use for 6.6.6 delphi 7, for 7.0.0 i use delphi 2010 :)
ZEOS 6.6.6 does not support Delphi 2010 :)

Posted: 16.03.2012, 15:43
by ism
Need example project and database dump.

Posted: 19.03.2012, 08:25
by DoctorZLO
ism wrote:Need example project and database dump.
To run the script using dbforge mysql ...

Posted: 19.03.2012, 08:30
by DoctorZLO
Go on as you asked ...
Выкладываю, как Вы и просили...

Posted: 20.03.2012, 19:22
by ism
maybe codepage=cp1251

Posted: 20.03.2012, 19:35
by ism
or try lastest commit from testing-egonhugeist or testing

Posted: 22.03.2012, 19:07
by DoctorZLO
ism wrote:or try lastest commit from testing-egonhugeist or testing

You had such a mistake?