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Firebird-1.5 & Autogenerated fields(plague of our times)

Posted: 04.01.2006, 15:22
by apiove
Ok, i'm sure that when i post this message i'll find the solution or find the answer someware on the web, so my excuse in advance ;)

I'm developing a little db application for a job managment and i'm evalutating to migrate from mysql 4.X to firebird 1.5 mantaining the use of ZeosDBO.

I know that MySQL 5.0 has StoredProcedure etc..

In my application i often need to get autogenerated value for a field after the post of the record, without writing additional delphi code.

The question is: there is this funcionality into ZEOSlib&firebird1.5?

Thanks in advance,

Posted: 04.01.2006, 15:53
by darkbrain
The easyest way is to create a generator into the firebird DB (CREATE GENERATOR gen_pippo) and than use the component TZSequence plus the TZTable.
