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Another UTF8 problem (with SQLite this time)

Posted: 02.11.2011, 10:29
by jeremicm
In my tries to find solution to previous utf problem, i came around another one... I have SQLite3 table with 4 text fields. When i try to enter "зщшгн РОЛДЖ" (random russian characters) in it, in database, i see all characters, but in grid or any components that show data from table, i see only lot's of ????? characters (question marks)...

When i try with east europe latin characters (ždšćč ŽÐŠĆČ) i see ŽÐŠCC ždšcc, and again, in database everything is ok...

any ideas or solutions for this?

thanks in advance

Posted: 02.11.2011, 17:31
by Wild_Pointer
Hello jeremicm,

I guess you are not using unicode components. Please try TNT components or similar (or have delphi XE + that supports unicode out of the box).

Good luck!

Posted: 02.11.2011, 21:17
by jeremicm
i already use xe2 with upd1 and latest zeos svn...

Posted: 03.11.2011, 07:19
by Wild_Pointer
have you set codepage=utf8 in properties of tzconnection ?

by writing "latest zeos" you meen 6.6.6 (stable) or 7.0 (beta)?

Posted: 03.11.2011, 08:20
by jeremicm
codepage=utf8 is set, and i'm using 7.0 zeos from svn...

Posted: 03.11.2011, 08:27
by Wild_Pointer
Hello, jeremicm,

I'm going to try XE2 these days, so I'll look into your problem too. Right now I have no ideas what else could be wrong.

Posted: 29.11.2011, 15:57
by mrLion
jeremicm, in windows server use codepage=win1251. also if you DB use UTF8! threefore stil problem with russian codepage: write with use params SQL store in DB ????.

Posted: 10.03.2012, 13:48
by EgonHugeist

I've detected some mistakes on the String-casts. I think i've solved this all in my private branch \testing-egonhugeist..

the "how to" you'll find here

please read carefully...

best regards