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Server Performance Decrease on Firebird 2.1 with ZEOSLIB

Posted: 20.06.2011, 15:07
by JavaPauloMG
Hi again my friends,

I have some problemns in convert a lot of big applicattions, acually this applications still using DBX conection, and firebird 1.5, but now we gone to migrate do firebird 2.1, but the connector DBX, don't support 1.5, this is motiving me to use ZeosLib, in all applications, but after convert, the server FB 2.1 have your performance decrease, and after hours stop complete.

Actually the architeture of this applications, open a single connection, and this connection are open when the application starts, and close when destroy, but i read in many, many places, about de "hard-commit" and "soft-commit", i need to enable the "hard-commit" in zeoslib, to clean anda enable fbgarbage collector, i have something wrong?

this is a sample of connection:

Code: Select all

SQLC.TransactIsolationLevel := tiReadCommitted;
SQLC.HostName := '';
SQLC.Database := '/home/banco/spdata.gdb';
SQLC.User := 'SYSDBA';
SQLC.Password := 'masterkey';
SQLC.Protocol := 'firebird-2.1';
I need to solve this problemn, to continue the migration process, else the company still study migrate to delphi 2010 or XE, and use DBXpress 4, but i personally want to use ZeosLib, by the force of community, and to be a free and open component.

Thanks to all.