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Does something it shouldnt.

Posted: 08.06.2011, 21:47
by sfxcc
I have a Db on fb running and my program.

If a open IBO change a value of a table post and commit it saves on db viewing by IBO or if i open a new program the new value is there.

But on the first program if a zquery (select aname * from nametable) it returns the old value and not the new one.

If i change the values on the same program it works returns the correct("new") value from the query.

This should not happen because im querying FB ,,

So Why it returns old values.?????

Posted: 10.06.2011, 23:33
by sfxcc
I Found the Solution is Isolation Level must be READ COMMITED...

How Can i change From SNAPSHOT To READ COMMITED ???????

Posted: 30.08.2011, 20:13
by mdaems
ZConnection1.TransactIsolationLevel := <x> where <X> is one of (tiNone, tiReadUncommitted, tiReadCommitted, tiRepeatableRead, tiSerializable)
Default should be tiSerializable.
