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Problem Existing mysql project, WideString instead of String

Posted: 06.06.2011, 06:16
by fduenas
Hi I'km having alittle problem migarting an existing project from delphi 2007 (zeos 6.6) to delphi XE (zeos 7). the database used is mysql 5.1, and now zeos expects a WideString intead of a string field,an all my TzQueries and tzqueries have TString fields, Zeos 7 requires this field to be TWideString.

How can I workarround this? fdo I have to change all the declarations from TStringField to TWideStringField? or is there aspecial switch to still using TStringFields?

Posted: 06.06.2011, 20:11
by Pitfiend
I had a similar problem. Try looking into your .dfm files, not only the .pas ones. Fix both and maybe you'll be fine.